SPDs provide detailed guidance on policies and proposals in the Development Plan documents. These are not subject to an independent examination, and have a simpler preparation process than Development Plan documents. They must, however, relate to a policy in the Development Plan or saved Local Plan, and cannot be used to set a policy that should be the subject of independent examination. The preparation of all SPD's is governed by the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
Planning Obligations SPDs
Site Specific SPDs
- Strategic Land Allocation Development Framework SPD
- Western Expansion Area Development Framework
- Eastern Expansion Area Development Framework
- Central Bletchley Urban Design Framework SPD
- Milton Keynes East Development Framework
- South East Milton Keynes Development Framework
All other SPDs
- Affordable Housing SPD
- Houses in Multiple Occupation SPD
- Milton Keynes Drainage Strategy SPG
- Outdoor Advertising Policy
- Parking Standards SPD
- New Residential Design Guide SPD
- Telecommunications Systems Policy
- Wind Turbines SPD
- Health Impact Assessment SPD
- Biodiversity SPD
- Sustainable Construction SPD
- Transport and Sustainable Transport SPD
- Dementia Friendly Neighbourhoods SPD
Plans no longer being brought forward
Revocation of existing Supplementary Planning Guidance Documents
At a Milton Keynes Council delegated decision meeting on Tuesday 19 November 2019, Councillor Hannah O’Neill, the Cabinet Member for Healthier and Stronger Communities, in accordance with Regulation 15 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, revoked the following Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) documents:
- Northern Expansion Area Development Framework SPG (May 2004);
- Oxley Park Development Brief SPG (May 2004);
- Oakgrove Millennium Community Development Framework (September 2004);
- Wolverton West End Development Framework SPG (September 2004);
- Stantonbury Park Development Brief SPG (January 2006); and
- Forecourt Shops at Petrol Filling Stations SPG (March 2007).
Furthermore, at a Milton Keynes Council delegated decision meeting on Tuesday 23 November 2021, Councillor Peter Marland, Leader of the Council and relevant cabinet member for Planning and Placemaking, in accordance with Regulation 15 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, revoked the following Supplementary Planning Document (SPD):
- Sustainable Construction SPD (April 2007)
In accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, the Council is ceasing to make these withdrawn SPG/SPD documents available.
Among the reasons why these SPG documents are being revoked by the Council are:
- Their content is based on the 2005 Local Plan which has been replaced by a new Local Plan (Plan:MK 2016-2031) adopted in March 2019
- The development to which the SPG is related has been completed
- The SPGs are inconsistent with national policy and guidance or Plan:MK.
Delegated decision report of the 19 November
Delegated decision report of the 23 November 2021
In accordance with Regulation 15 (1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, the Council’s Revocation Statement of Fact giving notice that Milton Keynes Council has revoked the Supplementary Planning Guidance documents listed at 1-6 above and the reasons for their revocation .
For any queries on the revocation of these documents, please contact the Development Plans team
Development Plans contact information
- 01908 691691
Postal address: , Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ