Transport and Sustainable Transport SPD
Milton Keynes Council has prepared a Transport and Sustainable Transport Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The draft SPD was published for 6 weeks of public consultation during June 2008. The responses to the consultation and recommended changes to the draft SPD were reported to Cabinet on 2 June 2009, where it was resolved to adopt the SPD.
The SPD sets out the planning policy framework to secure the necessary transport infrastructure contributions and the general principles for the payment of these contributions, and applies to all areas in Milton Keynes except the Eastern, Western and Northern Expansion Areas, the Strategic Reserve Areas, Oxley Park, Tattenhoe Park, Kingsmead and CMK. The SPD will require the payment of developer contributions by Landowners/Developers per residential unit developed or per square meter of employment floor area developed. The SPD also sets out policy and guidance on the role of Travel Plans in future transport planning, and which applies throughout Milton Keynes. The contributions received in terms of the SPD will not cover the full cost of the required infrastructure. Other top-up sources of funding, such as CIF, GAF, LTP, Department for Transport and Highways Agency funding, will have to be found to fund the outstanding required infrastructure.
The SPD is a material consideration in the decision making process on planning applications and in the consideration of master plans and development briefs for strategic sites.
All contributions in terms of the Sustainable Transport SPD will be made to the Council who will secure and distribute the funds in accordance with existing accepted Council procedures. The MKP Business Plan, the LTP and other adopted MKC transport strategies provide the evidence base for project identification and will be used to manage and monitor the delivery, finance, viability and risk in providing the required transport infrastructure.
The final version of the SPD can be downloaded below:
Transport and Sustainable Transport SPD
Supporting Documents:
Regulation 18 Statement - Consultation Statement
Regulation 19 Statement - Adoption Statement