Milton Keynes Urban Development Area Tariff Supplementary Planning Document
The Council adopted the Milton Keynes Urban Development Area Tariff Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 27 November 2007. The document explains the planning policy context for the Urban Development Area Tariff.
A draft version of the SPD was issued for public consultation from 19th July to 31st August 2007. Cabinet on 16 October 2007 duly considered the comments along with officer responses and recommended changes to the document. The Cabinet resolved to adopt the SPD including the recommended changes. This decision was ‘called in’ and considered by Executive Scrutiny Committee on 7 November 2007. This committee recommended that the item be referred back to Cabinet. Cabinet therefore reviewed the request on 27 November 2007 and decided to confirm the adoption of the SPD.
The 'Tariff' is an amount of money per dwelling, or per hectare of employment land, that is payable by the developers of land in the Urban Development Area (UDA). The Tariff applies to development in the Eastern and Western Expansion Areas, the Strategic Reserve Areas on the east and development at Tattenhoe Park and Kingsmead South.
The documents are available to view below.
There is also a very useful guide to the Tariff produced by MKP which provides additional factual information about how the Tariff operates - see:
Main Document
Adopted Tariff Supplementary Planning Document