Milton Keynes East Development Framework
Adoption of the Milton Keynes East Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Milton Keynes East Development Framework was finally adopted by the Cabinet of Milton Keynes Council on 10 March 2020 following a call-in of the decision to adopt the SPD on 13 January 2020. The adopted SPD is available at the link below. A summary of representations made during the public consultation on the draft SPD in 2019 is also available below.
The Cabinet report recommending adoption of the SPD in January 2020 is available to view here: Cabinet Report (Agenda Item 14). A further note explaining changes made to the SPD as a result of the Cabinet meeting and subsequent call-in of the decision is available at Cabinet 10/03/2020 (Agenda Item 7).
The SPD provides guidance on how the allocation of Milton Keynes East (Policy SD12 and other relevant policies) within Plan:MK should be planned and developed. The SPD will be an important material consideration when determining relevant planning applications.
- Adopted Milton Keynes East Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document 2020
- Summary of representations to 2019 consultation (PDF, 622KB)
- Adoption Statement (PDF, 199KB)
Call-in of decision to adopt SPD on 13 January 2020
Cabinet decided on 13 January 2020 to adopt the Milton Keynes East Development Framework SPD subject to certain changes/requests to review certain elements of the SPD. These were discussed during the Cabinet meeting with the decision sheet for the meeting recording them. In summary, the changes made to the SPD as a result are outlined below:
- drawings relating to the ‘Community Hub’ amended to clarify difference between primary street and pedestrian priority street.
- references to ‘High Street’ have been replaced by ‘Pedestrian Priority Street’.
- para 4.3.6 amended to refer to ‘grade separated’ underpasses or green bridges.
- additional sentence included in para 4.3.7 to read: “Milton Keynes Transport Department will provide a statement prior to the submission of any planning application identifying what the triggers will be to upgrade Willen Road.”
- additional text included in para 4.5.2 to state that where lower levels of parking are proposed there should be frequent public transport services to public transport nodes, district/town/local centres, schools and employment areas.
The decision to adopt the SPD was then called In by a number of parties. The reasons for the Call-Ins were discussed at a mediation meeting with the Chair of Strategic Placemaking Scrutiny Committee that was attended by those who Called In the decision, Councillor Martin Gowans as the responsible Cabinet member, and officers of the Council. Whilst certain matters were resolved during mediation, it was still necessary to take the matter forward to the full Strategic Placemaking Scrutiny Committee, which met on 12 February 2020 to discuss the call in.
The recommendations of the Committee were that “That the matter be referred back to the Cabinet to reconsider the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) as soon as possible taking into account the following changes and /or additions to be shown as tracked changes:
- clarification on the definition and sense of scale for the place;
- revised name of “Community Hub” for that currently designated as “District Centre”;
- inclusion of examples to give a sense of scale that may be appropriate of the community hub;
- to review 4.3.6 of the SPD with regard to the matter of grade separation of pedestrians and cyclists and the motor vehicle.
- clarification in the document whether the site is a new settlement or part of Milton Keynes
A number of changes have been made to the Milton Keynes East Development Framework SPD following the recommendations of the Strategic Placemaking Scrutiny Committee. These are shown in a tracked change version of the SPD attached at the Annex. A description and explanation for these changes is outlined below:
1. References to the “District Centre” within the SPD have been replaced with “Community Hub” reflecting the discussion and consensus reached during the meeting of the Strategic Placemaking Scrutiny Committee.
2. Additional text at paragraph 3.1.2 has been added to provide greater clarity on the anticipated nature of Milton Keynes East as a place. Namely, this is to relay that it would feel and operate as a new settlement despite the fact that in terms of Plan:MK policy it is an extension to Milton Keynes city and would not be classed as a separate settlement within the borough's settlement hierarchy.
3. Additional text within section 4.4 to provide illustrative parallels with existing centres within Milton Keynes to give a sense of scale and function of the amenities and retail offer to be provided in the new Community Hub within Milton Keynes East. The parallels (Woburn Sands and Stony Stratford) are considered most appropriate as those centres primarily serve the communities of Woburn Sands and Stony Stratford rather than operating as a larger service centre or destination serving a wider rural hinterland and geographical area in the way that other larger centres such as Newport Pagnell, Olney and Buckingham do.
The Strategic Placemaking Scrutiny Committee also recommended a further review of paragraph 4.3.6 with regard to adding in the requirement for grade separated crossings of grid roads for use by motor vehicles. The SPD guidance proposes at grade vehicular crossings of grid roads in the form of roundabouts or paired ‘T-junctions’ with central waiting areas. After considering this further, in light of the layout of routes and development areas shown in the SPD, it is not considered necessary in highway terms or appropriate in place making terms to require grade separated opportunities for motor vehicles to cross grid roads at the limited number of places where this could feasibly be done within the site.”
Draft Milton Keynes East Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document
Milton Keynes East (MKE) has been allocated for a residential-led strategic urban extension in Plan:MK. The allocation covers approximately 440 hectares of land encompassed by the M1 to the west, the A422/A509 to the north, and Moulsoe and the wider rural area to the east. A map of the site can be seen here: Map of Milton Keynes East Area (PDF, 1.6MB).
The allocation within Plan:MK, under Policy SD12, is for around 5,000 homes and 105 hectares of employment land along with a range of social, transport and green infrastructure provision.
In line with Policy SD10 of Plan:MK, a Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is being prepared to provide detailed guidance on the development of the site. This SPD would be a material consideration in any future planning applications for development of the Milton Keynes East allocation should the infrastructure funding and delivery criteria in Policy SD12 be met allowing development of the site to proceed.
Public consultation Aug-Oct 2019
Milton Keynes Council is consulting on a Draft Milton Keynes East Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The SPD will support policies in Plan:MK and will be considered a material consideration in the determination of planning applications submitted to the Council.
The consultation runs from 7 August 2019 closing on 16 October 2019 at 5pm.
After the end of the consultation period, any comments received will be considered by the Council and the SPD will be amended accordingly. A report will then be prepared to reflect the comments received throughout the consultation. A decision will then be made as to whether or not to take the SPD forward for adoption, taking into account any outcome of the Council’s Housing Infrastructure Fund bid associated with Milton Keynes East (see below). If the SPD is taken forward for adoption, the final version would be approved by Cabinet.
The preferred method for submitting comments is via a Consultation Response Form which can be downloaded below or a hard copy is available in all public libraries within the Borough and at Civic. Please return your completed form to us via:
Or post: Milton Keynes Council, Development Plans, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ
The following documents form part of this consultation:
A. Draft Milton Keynes East Development Framework SPD July 2019
B. SEA Screening Statement (PDF, 805KB)
Paper copies of all consultation documents have been placed in all libraries across the Borough and at Civic.
Delegated Decision to Consult on the SPD
A Delegated Decision was taken on 6 August on whether or not to consult on a revised draft Milton Keynes East Development Framework SPD for six weeks.
The SPD had originally been taken for a Delegated Decision to consult upon it on 18 June. That decision was called in and was considered by the Strategic Placemaking Scrutiny Sub-Committee on 11 July, where the Sub-Committee recommended:
- That the consultation period be extended to 16 October 2019;
- That suggestions for amendments to the Draft Milton Keynes East Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document be forwarded in order that consideration be given to including as many as possible in the draft Document.
As a result, a number of changes have been made and a revised draft Milton Keynes East Development Framework SPD is now going forward to a Delegated Decision on 6 August. In summary, the changes in the revised SPD are:
- Change terminology from ‘Locally Strategic Route’ to ‘Grid Road’.
- A new table (Table 4.2) has been inserted into the ‘Movement’ section of the SPD to explain more clearly the role, function and character of the various routes. Where possible, given the early stage of the planning process, this also provides some additional details, such as connectivity across routes and the potential junction strategy options. This table would enable the reader to better understand these points.
- A new drawing (Figure 4.5) has been inserted to further illustrate how the High Street should be a place designed for people and public transport. This shows that traffic movement would be appropriately managed to deter its use as a rat run for longer journeys and to prevent traffic from dominating the street scene and experience.
- Amended Figure 4.2 to show bus stops more clearly.
- A new section (4.6.1) on ‘Addressing climate change’ has been added to explain how the proposed structure and layout of the development (such as enabling mass transit routes, co-location of higher density development with a mass transit hub and district centre, provision and co-location of amenities in walkable neighbourhoods, provision of the linear park and strategic flood risk management) would contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The changes draw out these intrinsic benefits more clearly.
- Enlarged the figures within chapter 4 of the document so they are easier to read in print form.
Milton Keynes Council submitted a bid in March 2019 to the UK Government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) to fund the early phases of infrastructure, including highways, a primary school and health centre, that are required to enable the delivery of the allocation under Plan:MK.
In anticipation of a successful bid, the Council commenced work on the Development Framework SPD. If successful, and in light of the consultation on the revised draft SPD, the Development Framework SPD would most likely be adopted towards the end of 2019.
MKE Local Stakeholder Group
The Council has established a Local Stakeholder Group to enable local community representatives the ability to inform the preparation of the Development Framework, and to be informed on the preparation of the HIF bid and associated technical work being undertaken to aid the preparation of the Development Framework. The group meets approximately every month to discuss a range of issues associated with the development of Milton Keynes East. During October and December, workshops with the Local Stakeholder Group took place to discuss the vision and objectives for Milton Keynes East, and what development there should be like.
Participation in the LSG is without prejudice to that organisation’s public position regarding:
- The principle of developing the land included within the MKE SUE allocation within Plan:MK
- Any statements or views they express at the Examination in Public of Plan:MK.
- The Housing Infrastructure Bid or other such funding bids that are pursued by Milton Keynes Council to facilitate the development of the MKE SUE
The Terms of Reference for the group can be found here: Terms of Reference (PDF, 404KB).
Papers of the previous Local Stakeholder Group meetings, and the workshops, are published below. Papers for future meetings will also be published here.
If you have any queries or comments about the development framework or the Housing Infrastructure Fund bid, please email us at
13 March 2019
- Agenda - March 2019 (PDF, 60KB)
- Draft Minutes of February meeting (PDF, 231KB)
- Draft Minutes of March meeting (PDF, 239KB)
27 February 2019
29 January 2019
- Agenda - January 2019 (PDF, 58KB)
- Draft Vision and Objectives Statement (PDF, 375KB)
- M1 Overbridge Option Report (PDF, 390KB)
- Transport Modelling Presentation January 2019 (PDF, 1.7MB)
19 December 2018
21 November 2018
- Agenda - November 2018 (PDF, 59KB)
- Minutes of October meeting (PDF, 307KB)
- Presentation on density by UDLA (PDF, 3.2MB)
- Draft MKE Workshops Report November 2018 (PDF, 1.1MB)
17 October 2018 Workshop 2
10 October 2018 Workshop 1
26 September 2018
- Agenda - September 2018 (PDF, 59KB)
- Minutes - September 2018 (PDF, 290KB)
- HIF Briefing Note (PDF, 237KB)
- Transport modelling briefing note (PDF, 1.6MB)
- Transport modelling presentation (PDF, 373KB)
22 August 2018
HIF Presentation
- Indicative timetable for Development Framework SPD (PDF, 99KB)
- Briefing note on the Housing Delivery Test (PDF, 236KB)
25 July 2018