Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) February 2021
A new Planning Obligations SPD was adopted by the Council at a Delegated Decision meeting on Tuesday 23 February 2021. The adopted SPD is available on the link below. Details regarding the consultation on the draft document and responses received during the consultation are also outlined on this page.
Adopted Planning Obligations SPD
The following documents relate to its adoption:
- The Adoption Report
- The Planning Obligations SPD Delegated Decisions Report
- Draft Planning Obligations SPD(2020) Consultation Responses and Officer Response
- Decisions made by the Council in adopting the SPD
The SPD replaces the following older Planning Obligation documents, all of which have now been revoked by the Council:
- Planning Obligations for Central Milton Keynes SPG 2003
- Planning Obligations for Education Facilities SPG 2004
- Planning Obligations SPG for Leisure, Recreation & Sports Facilities 2005
- Social Infrastructure Planning Obligations SPD 2005
Following the decisions made at the Delegated Decision meeting, an amended version of the SPD incorporating an executive summary, revised diagrams and minor changes, which do not materially alter the contents of the SDP, will be available shortly.
What Does the Planning Obligations SPD Cover?
- It details the Council's general approach to identifying infrastructure requirements, how planning obligations are monitored, and how developer funding is managed to deliver specific projects.
- The legal, policy and organisational context in which the planning obligations system operates in Milton Keynes.
- Potential planning obligations and relates them to policies in the Council's Local Plan (Plan:MK 2019) adopted in March 2019.
- Gives examples of potential Heads of Terms.
- Contains general principles the Council uses in legal agreements.
This SPD does NOT cover planning obligations for Affordable Housing, which are the subject of a separate adopted SPD.
Consultation on the Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) August 2020
The Council consulted on a revised Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for a period of eight weeks between 5 August and 30 September 2020. Following the consultation period, all comments received were taken into consideration by the Council in finalising the SPD for adoption.
The following documents formed part of this consultation: