Caretaking and Cleaning Focus Group

Cleaning and Caretaking Service Standard

Here is a proposed Cleaning and Caretaking Service Standard

Voting results

Service Charge Consultation | Cleaning and Caretaking Consultation

Caretaking and Cleaning Focus Group (Aug 23 - Mar 24)

Meeting 5 - 30 November 2023

  • Agenda
  • Minutes
  • Meeting recording

PLEASE NOTE: Some parts of this recording has been intentionally blurred out as they showed information we considered as business sensitive.

  • Subjects covered
  • Decisions made

Meeting 4 - 23 November 2023

  • Subjects covered
  • Decisions made


Meeting 3 - 18 October 2023


  • Subjects covered

    Case Study- How does external cleaning work

    - Review draft of MKCC Cleaning and Caretaking Service Standard document

  • Decisions made


Meeting 2 - 20 September 2023


  • Subjects covered

    - Site visit findings.

    - Current issues and processes. 

    - What does good look like in terms of caretaking and cleaning?

    - Suggestions and initiatives we can implement to achieve this.

  • Decisions made

    1. Draft an MKCC version of Caretaking and Cleaning Standards. 

    As a starting point, format a document based on documents used by other councils.

Meeting 1 - 23 August 2023


  • Subjects covered

    - Scope of group.

    - Review of Caretaking and Cleaning Standards.

    - Review of Caretaking and Cleaning job descriptions.

  • Decisions made

    1. Visit various locations to experience the service reality.

    Focus group will visit different locations early September to see the standard themselves and to hear from the residents. This will help them understand the service first hand.

Voting - your observations and our replies

Please find all your observations and our replies completed during the voting

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Housing Consultations

Housing Consultations contact information

Milton Keynes City Council, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ