Cleaning and caretaking consultation observations

Your observations and our replies

THE CONSULTATION CLOSED ON 5 JANUARY 2024. We aim to update your observations and our replies on this page within 10 working days.

Observations received w/c 1 January 2024

Reference: 166 | Received: 7 Jan 2024 | Responded: 18 Jan 2024

Observation: No one cleaned since early December. But I pay weekly.

Reply: Thank you for your observation. Our Housing team will look into the issue, we will review the service standard that has been delivered and will be in contact with you to discuss this further.

Reference: 165 | Received: 5 Jan 2024 | Responded: 18 Jan 2024

Observation: Hi I would like to know why I am paying for caretaking and cleaning. We do not have a communal hallway or internal stairs. We have an outside staircase and we have never had a cleaner or caretaker in all the years I have lived here. I telephoned the council some years ago about this but the lady I spoke to said that all tenants in flats had to pay for this service. There are only the four flats here and we all keep the place swept and clean. Perhaps we should have a refund as we are paying for a non existence service.

Reply: Thank you for your observation. We are glad to hear that you have your own cleaning arrangement which works well for your block. Due to the setup of your block, we are happy with you continuing with that arrangement and at any point should you no longer wish to self-administer cleaning please do let us know. We will be writing to resident to confirm this cleaning arrangement, however only a caretaking service will be implemented and service charge for this will be added. The caretaking service is separate to the cleaning service. We need to provide this service in blocks with external communal areas, as it enables us to regularly monitor and action any potential health & safety risks and hazards.

Reference: 164 | Received: 5 Jan 2024 | Responded: 18 Jan 2024

Observation: I have just filled in and submitted this consultation form that you have requested. I saw no option to comment or make observations. So I will do it this way. I have lived as a tenant at the above address since June 2010. And I have never seen anyone clean anything here! We are just [REDACTED], and its usually myself or the neighbours who clean up. And now we are all getting older it's becoming more difficult, to sweep stairs etc.

Milton Keynes Council have been charging us for years for 'cleaning', basically you have been taking money from us you are not entitled to. Now I have drawn the council's attention to this, I hope the situation will be rectified as soon as possible.


Reply: Thank you for your observation. We are glad to hear that you have your own cleaning arrangement which works well for your block. Due to the setup of your block, we are happy with you continuing with that arrangement and at any point should you no longer wish to self-administer cleaning please do let us know. We will be writing to resident to confirm this cleaning arrangement, however only a caretaking service will be implemented and service charge for this will be added. The caretaking service is separate to the cleaning service. We need to provide this service in blocks with external communal areas, as it enables us to regularly monitor and action any potential health & safety risks and hazards.

Reference: 163 | Received: 5 Jan 2024 | Responded: 18 Jan 2024


I decided to write an email because I found proposed cleaning service options hard to understand and lacking option to ask for explanation. The voting way does not make sense to myself and I believe that's the reason your voting rate is around 3% of all residents in your flats. I have spent time to try to understand your letter so I have few questions. Why does the proposed summary not provide a comparison of current costs with those proposed? 

I have worked out that your proposed cleaning service for next year will cost me £581.04 next year compared to £48.48 yearly last year. Can you explain to me why?! How people can compare it to make decision if they don't know difference? To be honest fact of such a huge difference made me first to contact you for the matter. 

My block was cleaned 18 times within a year. I made a photo of sing in forms. So on average it was cleaned once every 2 weeks. But according a proposal it should be cleaned twice a week? Who made this decision on my behalf? As for my observation it does not take estimated time council pointed – I have never seen those people here more than 15-20 minutes and estimate says 80 minutes!!!! 

Your voting recommendations!!!! (should not be made anyway !!! If on behalf of council is also extremely weird. You suggest in letter that it's not fair to charge more for smaller block tenants! You suggest that charge more for smaller block tenants is not fair! How is this the case? Extra travel time, change of cleaning floor water (if they change it),and you don't have any issue to charge double or triple for medium block size tenants . Whose business do do you represent????? 

Why it is not fair to charge more for smaller block tenants and it is fair to charge double or triple for medium block tenants. Most often, a larger group reduces the unit cost - who decides if it is fair or not ? Classification of blocks is also not fair. I want to question that too.

Why our block of flats is in the 11-16 units range(when there are just 10 flats in main building and 2 flats downstairs are independent – separate entrance/ no cleaning involved so proposed charging options for cleaning are also incorrect. This was never option for discussion in previous years. As mention before, once every 2-3 weeks routine for the block was more than enough. Current voting way forces me to use twice a week cleaning routine! Why???!!! If cleaner turned up once a week or once a month so far never made any significant difference, what is the point???

I am looking forward to hear from current situations to the council matters that involves my matters. I believe that any changes should be suspended until our doubts are clarified. I am happy to share and discus my views with our other residents or media necessary by all means. I will connect with any interested media possible. Ideally I would expect council to provide opportunity to discussion for the matter before any decision are made in this subject. 

And in addition to comparison cleaning services costs - please state providers name. I do realise cost of services rose over last year. But proposed increase in cost seems  way beyond inflation!!!   

Reply: Thank you for your observation. We take note of your observations that cleaning has only been done for 18 times in a year. Our Housing team will be in touch after investigating why the service has been erratic. Please take note that we have not yet implemented any model as yet as that will be determined by how the voting turns out. The time frame of 60 Minutes is what we are proposing to be spent on cleaning  your block, which include some travel, preparation and auditing the condition. Please note that this is not what is currently being done.

We acknowledge that you are not happy with the structuring of the blocks. The structure was created after looking at the blocks physical structure, number of stories and  number of properties within and feel that is a fairer representation of our blocks .This consultation is trying to be fair and transparent, we will look to implement the wishes of the majority of the residents that vote to deliver the appropriate service. We do appreciate the size of the block might have an influence on resident perspectives, however by involving our residents our aim is to improve this service.

We are aware that your block has two properties that have no communal areas because they have own entrances hence we would not include those properties in our calculations. It appears your calculation of £581.04 is incorrect. If you used model 1 your weekly cleaning cost would be around £3 which translates to £156 per year. We hope this addresses you concern and should you feel otherwise please do get in touch with us.

Reference: 161 | Received: 5 Jan 2024 | Responded: 18 Jan 2024

Observation: I am writing about the letter concerning the cleaning and caretaking consultation. For the 2 properties above which are [REDACTED] with one shared entrance and hall way between 2 privately owned properties. Since I have lived here at number 13 over 32 years there has never been a  cleaning crew in this property, we have always cleaned the spaces ourselves, even when we  were council tenants. Even to the point of painting  the space and laying suitable flooring  when the Council would not. Due to this our charges for cleaning were removed many years ago and we have maintained this space to a good standard ourselves.

As I and my neighbour [REDACTED] still maintain a regular cleaning regime, of once a week  in summer and  twice a week in winter (sometimes more  depending on the  weather), I would like to be assured that  this arrangement continues and not be included in the bands that are outlined in the proposals. Please confirm that this will continue to be the case 

Reply: Thank you for your observation. We are glad to hear that you have your own cleaning arrangement which works well for your block. Due to the setup of your block, we are happy with you continuing with that arrangement and at any point should you no longer wish to self-administer cleaning please do let us know. We will be writing to resident to confirm this cleaning arrangement, however only a caretaking service will be implemented and service charge for this will be added. The caretaking service is separate to the cleaning service. We need to provide this service in blocks with external communal areas, as it enables us to regularly monitor and action any potential health & safety risks and hazards.

Reference: 160 | Received: 4 Jan 2024 | Responded: 18 Jan 2024


Don't care because dwp pay charges 

Don't understand the proposals or process 

Don't engage with the council 

Just think that mkcc will do whatever they want 

Those are the reactions from potential voters


If you actually manage to provide your preferred choice of what will be once a fortnight then hooray! Present service of already less than this level are the median for 2023. The accumulated cobwebs and detritus left by Mears make whatever standard you are adhering too is risible in many areas 

Reply: Thank you for your observation. We are sorry to hear that we may have failed to meet your cleaning expectations and will try as best as we can to make that right. Through this consultation we are now on a new journey to deliver to the caretaking and cleaning standards set out through this consultation. If you would like to discuss the concerns specific to your block, please contact us via and provide your address and best contact details.


Observations received w/c 18 December 2023

Reference: 159 | Received: 21 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023

Observation: Does my block count as 3-4 units or 7-10 as it’s a joint block [REDACTED]?

Reply: Thank you for your question. For cleaning and caretaking, we only consider the properties sharing a distinct internal communal area. This means that if in the internal communal area there are 4 units, than the block size would be 3-4 units, even if there was an another internal communal area next door with a shared roof.

Reference: 156 | Received: 20 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023

Observation: Working with the above daily affords you a full understanding. However what is on offer is not clear enough for me to vote for any of the offers. I’ve lived at [REDACTED] since December 2024 and only since the arrival of your present employee [REDACTED], the public passage below the steps between [REDACTED] was never kept safety cleared.

Like wise I recently had my coir welcome doormat removed !!! It posed no threat to anyone, neither did my neighbour’s one outside her entrance door!

I believe that attention needs to be directed at areas of safety as evidenced in the two reports sent by your outside care men: [REDACTED] Of which there has been no response from your MKCouncil nor Mears the contract company. Please address the above soonest in the form of an in person appointment?


Reply: We are sorry to hear that we may have failed to meet your expectations in the past. Through this consultation we are now on a new journey to deliver to the cleaning and caretaking standards, and your vote would help us to understand if what we are proposing meets your expectations. 

Health and Safety rules do require us to keep all access ways clear of any obstruction and unfortunately welcome mats or mud mats in passageways are considered a risk because of the potential of any tenant tripping on them. Some tenants do however put their mats inside of their properties as long as it does not obstruct their doors from opening.

Meanwhile our repairs team will be in touch to get to the bottom of the problems your block guttering and we hope it will be addressed as soon as practically possible.

Reference: 155 | Received: 18 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023

Observation: I read the letter and after a second read would say: Comment - Dos the cost step between 1-2 units/3-4 units and then 5-6 units/70-10 units in Model 1 appear logical?

Reply: Thank you for your question. The cost step up in Model 1 is like that as it looked at properties’ possible footfall impact, nature and type of Block, Block Size, and number of stories, which in our larger blocks will be significantly higher than in the smaller ones.

Reference: 153 | Received: 18 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023

Observation: Writing with reference to cleaning/caretaker service charges. I was shocked to receive a letter stating charges may be adopted. I have been asking for the communal area and doors to be worked on as it is a total disgrace. I keep the inside of my home to high clean standard the council would require of a tenant, yet the outside area is unkept from the council, I have been in touch with Mears for over 12 months, they send workers to look yet still nothing. They did replace my neighbours door, not sure how that happened as I reported mine. Please find photos attached so you can see the embarrassment of my communal home area, and the neglect of care from the council. I’m sure you understand my confusion on paying cleaning chargers especially on a dirty cold concrete floor!

Reply: Thank you for your observation. We are sorry to hear that we may have failed to meet your cleaning and repairs expectations and will try as best as we can to make that right. Through this consultation we are now on a new journey to deliver to the caretaking and cleaning standards set out through this consultation. Meanwhile our Housing team will be in touch to get to the bottom of the problems your block has endured.

Reference: 152 | Received: 18 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023


I have lived here for over 40 years and in that time I estimate the cleaning and caretaking has not been done for over 10 years.

I have complained on numerous occasions, more in the two years since rent and services have been estimated (could not read text) nothing has been done. I had a fractured back for the last three years so for the last two I have clocked what the N.N.F.F.P cleaner does or does not do i.e. dirty mop, now sweeping with broom, mops windows and stairs, cobwebs, etc. Less than 45 minutes for your blocks. Fact.

Housing Manager, Housing Officer, Caretaker, and M.K.C.C Complaints all know, still nothing has been done. Mears also are N.F.F.P. Community lightning never done properly. I first reported shed/cupboard door over 30 years ago, still not done.

Vote - Model 1 No | Model 2 No | Model 3 No

On models my vote would be different if the cleaning was done properly. I look forward to hearing from you..

Reply: Thank you for your observation. We are sorry to hear that we may have failed to meet your expectations and will try as best as we can to make that right. Through this consultation we are now on a new journey to deliver to the cleaning and caretaking standards set out through this consultation, hence we urge you to vote for a model that you believe will help to deliver an acceptable standard going forward. Meanwhile our Housing team will be in touch to get to the bottom of the problems your block has endured.


Observations received w/c 11 December 2023

Reference: 151 | Received: 13 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023

Observation: I would like to vote for Model 1-Enhanced regarding the consultation on cleaning and caretaking. Other link will not open.

Reply: Thank you for your observation. We will contact you about the issue with access to the voting form. For other residents who may struggle to open the form, please contact us on 


Observations received w/c 4 December 2023

Reference: 149 | Received: 10 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023

Observation: I am in receipt of you letter regarding service charges for the communal cleaning. I do not understand why a block of 5 - 6 flats only have the option of weekly cleaning and not fortnightly, therefore having to pay twice as much. In option 3.1 you state a cleaning time of 50 minutes, what about in the winter when they only sweep the floors because I have been told if it is freezing outside they aren't allowed to wash the floors. This means you want to charge the residents of this block £18.65 a week for a job that takes 20 minutes or 10 minutes if it is freezing. I think your timings and suggested costs are very unfair.

Reply: Thank you for your observation. The Models are guidance based on type of block, number of stories, and size of internal communal area, however we are open to offer Block focussed approach and if the majority of the tenants opt for fortnightly clean then we can have that put in place as long as it does not impact adversely on us delivering an acceptable standard. At the same we would like to add that the cleaning time also includes travel time, and other tasks within the block (other than mopping). The team should use winter time to complete tasks that in summer time they may not have enough time to do. 

Reference: 146 | Received: 10 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023

Observation: I believe a fortnightly clean would be appropriate. Why is there no fortnightly cleaning charge for blocks containing more than 6 units? Regarding caretaker services please ensure each block contains a notice giving details of the name and telephone number of the caretaker to enable speedy communication.

Reply: Thank you for your observation. The Models are guidance based on type of block, number of stories, and size of internal communal area, however we are open to offer Block focussed approach, and if the majority of the tenants opt for fortnightly clean then we can have that put in place as long as it does not impact adversely on us delivering an acceptable standard. In terms of providing direct access to the staff members working on-sire, we want any issues to be reported to a central location to allow us to monitor feedback and prevent delays in responding due to staff absence.

Reference: 145 | Received: 9 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023

Observation: As long as it value for money. Model 1 enhanced seems fine.

Reply: Thank you for your observation. We are committed to offer a much better service that delivers value for money. 

Reference: 142 | Received: 8 Dec 2023 | Responded: 22 Dec 2023

Observation: As to your letter asking about the new service to our block at [Redacted}. The service at present is not up to standard, cob webs still remain down the stairs. Only the floor is mopped on each visit, so I have no intention at paying more For a service which is rubbish, I have lived here for nearly ten years, all the old Occupant’s have gone. The walls in the stairwell are disgusting, but being a labour council. You will take more and give less, I vote for the cheep one

Reply: Thank you for your observation. We are sorry to hear that we may have failed to clean your block to an acceptable standard in the past and will try as best as we can to make that right through consultation and the new standards we have set.  In the new standards removable scuffs and marking that are not ingrained in the walls will be removed as part of the routine cleaning however we are aware that in some blocks those passageways may need more than cleaning meaning some redecoration may be the option. As your landlord Milton Keynes council will in the future look into issues around redecoration. Meanwhile our Housing team will be in touch to get to the bottom of the problems your block has endured.