Housing consultations

Consultation and current status

NEW Sheltered Housing Consultation

UPDATE Part Two results report now available.

Most people voted for a shared service. We are now considering how this will be delivered in the future. Charges for the Sheltered Housing Officer Service will remain at the 2024-2025 rates in the meantime.

Consultation Results



NEW Housing Allocation Consultation

UPDATE: Steps towards implementing the new Housing Allocations Scheme.

From 16 January to 14 May 2025, we will pause on taking applications for the housing register.

This temporary pause allows us to assess applications received before 16 January 2025 and to make necessary system updates for the new scheme.

FAQs- about the new scheme

Consultation Results


Repairs and Maintenance

QUALIFYING LONG TERM AGREEMENTS: The first stage of this consultation ended on 4 November. Please follow the link to check the summary of observations and questions we have received, along with our responses.

UPDATE ON PHASE THREE: We are currently in the tender process and expecting tender submissions by bidders.

Consultation Results


Rents and Service Charges

UPDATE: Phase One of this consultation has ended. For more details follow the link above.

Your open spaces and garden questions answered

Consultation Results

For any queries related to rents and service charges please contact our Income Team on Rents@milton-keynes.gov.uk or 01908 252937 option 1. If you are a Leaseholder or a Shared Owner contact our Homeownership Team on Home.ownership@milton-keynes.gov.uk or 01908 253705.