Housing allocation consultation

New Housing Allocation Scheme for social rented homes approved.

What's it all about?

The new Housing Allocation Scheme, will be effective from 16 January 2025, it replaces the previous scheme implemented in 2023. This updated scheme has been developed with valuable feedback from our public consultation. It aims to optimise the limited supply of social housing to assist those most in need.

The Housing Allocation Scheme outlines the council's priorities for banding and the procedures for allocating social rented housing in Milton Keynes.

Key changes to the Housing Allocation Scheme


  • The continuous local connection requirement at the point of application has been amended from 3 years to 4 years.
  • Family associations now apply only to those over 60, with the family member required to reside within the Local Authority for a minimum of 10 years.
  • Exemptions to the local connection criteria are now only applicable to those fleeing domestic abuse if they are living in refuge accommodation or assessed as high risk by MARAC (or any subsequent multi-agency arrangement).


  • The number of offers of accommodation to those under-occupying social rented housing has been increased to allow up to 2 offers.


  • Introduction of the Emergency Band.
  • Move on from supported accommodation has been changed from Band C to Band B.
  • Move on from refuge accommodation is now included in the Band A criteria.

You can read the full consultation outcomes here


What's next

From 16 January 2025 to 14 May 2025, we will pause on taking applications for the housing register.

This temporary pause allows us to assess applications received before 16 January 2025 and to make necessary system updates for the new scheme.

Frequently asked questions

What's the timeline?

The Housing Allocation Scheme will be published on our website in January 2025.  It will be available for new applications by Spring 2025

Observations and replies

From 10 September to 2 December 2024, we gathered feedback from all stakeholders on the proposed changes. Here are the observations and our response.

Observations received by w/c: 10 October 2024

 Received: 11 September 2024 

Observation: Why do you have to be homeless, mentally ill, pregnant, fleeing domestic violence or served in the armed forces to be considered for help with housing? There are many families who are long term MK residents who are stuck in unsuitable expensive housing working as hard as they possible can to make a better life for themselves and sometimes their children you have to be homeless, mentally ill, pregnant, fleeing domestic violence or served in the armed forces to be considered for help with housing. 

Reply: The needs mentioned are those associated with homelessness and priority need rather than those considered under the housing allocation scheme.  The banding priorities set out those with the greatest housing need. 

Received: 11 September 2024 

Observation:  Emergency band criteria - Mention of applications agreed via our exceptional decisions panel where discretion is applied and agreed as an urgent move. This includes urgent management transfers for MKCC tenants - it does not mention support for Registered providers with an urgent need for support of MK housing association tenant to be moved as an emergency band, or in fact considered by the panel. Could this be a consideration?

Reply: The Nominations agreement with registered providers allows 25% use of own stock, which can be used by the RP for their urgent management moves. 

Received: 28 September 2024

Observation: Why are carers with disabled children over the age of 18 excluded from applying for social housing?

Reply: Anyone that meets the criteria as listed in the housing allocation scheme with a qualifying housing need will be accepted onto the housing register.

Received: October 2024

Observation: Why are people born in Milton Keynes not given a higher priority?

Reply: MKCC housing allocation scheme does given priority to households with a local connection via the eligibility criteria, however, due the the lack of social housing, households must have a qualifying housing need to join the housing register.  

Received: October 2024

Observation: Why haven't I been accepted onto the housing register even though I am in temporary accommodation?

Reply: Even if the council has a housing duty under homelessness the household would still need to meet the eligibility criteria set out within the allocation scheme, including local connection.

Observations received by w/c: 1 November 2024

 Received: 11 October 2024

Observation: Where there is overcrowding, a simple transfer when a home becomes available to the family in an area of their choice can be made, which frees up the house they need to move out of for a smaller family. I also feel it doesn't hurt to be kind and caring towards families with specific needs like to be protected from racial abuse and violence.  Please let's keep children of all races very safe single parents need additional support and acknowledgement. Safety cameras and lighting no hedging .

Reply: We assess overcrowding within our banding criteria along with risks linked to racial abuse and violence. We are unable to guarantee an offer of accommodation in a specific are as we are reliant on people moving to create those empty properties. There is the option to mutually exchange which allows for more choices in regards to area and this also allows for those families needing larger accommodation to move into suitable homes. Social housing will not be able to meet every demand and we also encourage to consider private sector accommodation to resolve peoples housing needs.

Received: 14 October 2024

Observation: How can you help a single mother with two children (new born and child) I am 25 years old 

Reply: Whether we can assist will be dependent on whether the single mother is currently suitably housed.  If the mother is suitably housed then the mother is unlikely to be in housing need and therefore will not qualify to join the housing register.  If the single mother is homeless then she should contact  Housing solutions and homelessness advice | Milton Keynes City Council for advice and assistance.

Received: 14 October 2024

Observation: For pure and equal equality according to the equality Act All applications should NOT be given specialty over anyone apart from Severely disabled, near end of life, and children Not Parents, also the mentally ill where the council have power of attorney! Pure equality no preference treatment for no one wait your turn like everybody it's a disgrace people jump others because of so called illness and is being abused treat everyone the same and in turn that is pure equality apart from the most needy and vulnerable.

Reply: All local authority allocations scheme are required to give reasonable preference to certain priority groups. The Local Authority will carry out appropriate checks on an Applicant’s eligibility to be allocated social rented housing but will ensure these checks are not discriminatory on the basis of race, nationality, ethnic origin, or any other protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010.

Received: 15 October 2024

Observation: I'm 65 put in adapted place want exchange to Newport Pagnell

Reply: Those who have enquiries regarding a specific case, please contact the allocations team  housing.allocations@milton-keynes.gov.uk . However, the neighbourhood officer is involved and advised regarding a Mutual exchanges and swaps | Milton Keynes City Council

Observations received by w/c: 2 December 2024

Received: 2 November 2024

Observation: People who privately rent should be given a chance for a council home I've privately rented for 12 years now and it's now crippling us with the cost of living we pay more than double the price for a private rent to a council rent why don't we get given a chance?.

Reply: You have a local connection and meet any of the banding criteria within the allocations scheme, you can apply.  We have limited stock avaialable and we have to prioritise those with the highest needs. 

Reference: 4 November 2024

Observation: hen waiting for adaptive accommodation registration date should be taken into consideration as it will feel unjustified for someone who is waiting for a very long time. 

Reply: We house applicants in banding priority and date order. The date we house by is the application received date. However the banding priorty is looked at a-c. For adapted accommodation, we will shortlist applicants that are awaiting adaptions. 

Reference: tbc | Received: tbc | Responded: tbc

Observation: Hi there, not sure if you have the courage to actually really reply, this is a emergency question. Ok you state and confirm this... Persons who have outstanding rent or service charges arrears or re-charges attributable to a tenancy which exceed the value of more than two months. (2.10) Can you under any current circumstances explain why I know three people with high rent areas and service charges who owe you money are currently receiving a Council house? And yet someone with no rent areas have received a property that's too high and expensive? Also please confirm this message... 
*Anyone who does not have a minimum of four years continuous connection to the Milton Keynes area. (2.2d) Also how comes I know three people with no connections within Milton Keynes have received help and a house? That doesn't make sense. Why did the three people give you the Council a fake Milton Keynes address and get a council property? Can you explain? Also maybe think about giving your residents a council house, and maybe giving the people with no connections a private rental? If they want to be off the street so badly They won't have a issue with private rental.

Reply: Our policy is prioritising those that have a connection and by increasing this from 3 to 4 years is increasing that connection criteria. We do also have other connection criteria such as family, employment and care need as detailed within the scheme. If an applicant has arrears between 1-2 months but has stuck to a repayment agreement for a minimum of 3 months, we would accept them onto the scheme. We complete assessments and evidence is required for affordability, local connection, medical and any other need reported. If you are aware of fraudulent applications please report this https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/your-council-and-elections/council-information-and-accounts/data-performance-and-spending

Reference: 8 November 2024

Observation: Priority criteria for young people leaving the care system is important. This priority should include anyone care experienced. 

Reply: Each local authority will support their care leavers, we give additional priority care leavers under Milton Keynes Local Authority in the banding criteria.

Reference: 12 November 2024

Observation: Qualification: family connection for over 60s could this not include adult grandchildren also? Priority: Downsizers should be a Band B, gives them a choice which also means they may be more likely to move. 

Reply: With the family links we will consider the support provided, adult grandchildren could be considered a sufficient link as they are close relative, if it is evident they are providing support. We prioritise those under occupying social housing as band A to facilitate a move as quickly as possible. Whilst this does limit to 1 offer of accommodation, the needs of the household are considered at point of assessment to ensure suitable accommodation is offered. We are unable to guarantee an offer in a specific area, but we do have a downsizing cash incentive to encourage households under occupying social housing to move. If a tenants want a more varied choice, they can consider the Mutual exchange route.

Reference: 18 November 2024

Observation: I applied for housing in June as I am a victim of domestic abuse living with two children. I recently received a court letter. You assured me that I would be given first priority, but I am still waiting. I am already suffering from trauma, and this delay is causing       further distress.

Reply: Those fleeing domestic abuse should approach our housing solutions team who are able to assist. Applying to the housing register means awaiting an assessment, as we assess applications in date order and cannot help with that immediate risk. We give priority from the banding criteria set in the allocations scheme. However due to the amount of people awaiting affordable housing, there are always waiting times involved. Please also contact MKAct for support 0344 375 4307

Reference: 19 November 2024

Observation: You should call current council tenants to ask them if they still need the property, or need to move, etc. Then homeless can have that home if they are needed and tenants that have been renting their homes as good tenants get a chance for a new build home, rather than people who you don't know, that might not look after the home. You may find people are able to move and open up more available accommodation for people this way as you know when a new build is coming, you have plenty of time to ask tenants to move around. 

Reply: We have a downsizing cash incentive for both our own tenants and tenants of housing associations, to encourage move on to more manageable sized and affordable properties. This is also to help increase the amount of family accommodation available to those waiting on the housing register. We advertise this incentive and previously wrote out to around 3000 homes to encourage more people to take this up.

Reference: 19 November 2024

Observation: Build more social housing.

Reply: We work closely with our Housing development and strategy team to communicate the demand we receive via our homeless and allocations service. We also work closely with our registered providers that develop homes in Milton Keynes to feed back the housing need for affordable homes and the demands by property size.

Reference: 20 November 2024

Observation: 1) safe havens for women in domestic abuse situations 
2) band disabled pregnant women quicker is they already in a council property and not just refuse them point blank.
3) check your homes monthly as European s are bringing their wife’s and kids over to get homes here then sub letting out I  know for a fact. Not only that the rig the gas and electric systems too.

Reply: We have given additional priority to those fleeing DA assessed as high risk by a local MARAC. We work very closely with  MKAct who assist with providing support and refuge to people and their children feeling domestic abuse. In regards to medical need to move we have medical priority within our Band C and Band A criteria. We are unable to give additional preference due to an applicant being pregnant, however if they have a medical need that is linked to their pregnancy, this will be considered as part of their assessment. The query regarding checking tenants homes, our neighbourhood services team complete regular audits, if someone has concerns regarding subletting, please report this to our neighbourhood services.


The revised policy will be implemented and published by Spring 2025