Area 2 – Wolverton
Route 107 – Stratford Road, Wolverton
Fixes a key missing Redway link along Stratford Road.
Connects existing Redway outside Radcliffe School to Wolverton Town Centre, providing safe space away from the busy road for people to walk and cycle
3.5m shared use Redway allowing 0.5m width between physical boundaries
Central hatching on Wolverton Road removed to make space for Redway
Formal parking bays provided on southern kerb line, mostly unaffected, but will be reviewed and provided where there is sufficient space
Improves and upgrades crossing points giving priority to people on the Redway
Option A:
Route 220 – Windsor Street, Wolverton
Provides north south walking and cycling connectivity, helping people get to where they need to go safely and separate to road traffic
Links schools, the Town Centre, Train Station, shops, businesses and the community to the existing Redway network
Improves and upgrades crossing points giving priority to people on the Redway
Option A:
3m shared use Redway along the central alleyway adjacent to Windsor Street
3m shared use Redway from Furze Way round on to Windsor Street, connecting to existing Redway just north of Marina Drive
Some tree loss and replanting required to accommodate new Redway on Windsor Street
Parking reallocated on Windsor Street so that is along one side of the road only