Care and Response - Care Service Home Care support to Adults (18+) Community Alarm Service Offering the latest digital personal alarms and sensors (telecare) monitored by our call centre 365 days a year. Equipment, Adaptations and Community Occupational Therapy Helping you to maximise your independence and stay safe at home. Home 1st Reablement (Intermediate Care) To keep you independent at home, prevent hospital admissions and support you to come home from hospital Laundry Service For anyone who has a current social care need or needs short term support
Community Alarm Service Offering the latest digital personal alarms and sensors (telecare) monitored by our call centre 365 days a year.
Equipment, Adaptations and Community Occupational Therapy Helping you to maximise your independence and stay safe at home.
Home 1st Reablement (Intermediate Care) To keep you independent at home, prevent hospital admissions and support you to come home from hospital