If you need a walking stick, walking frame or referral to the Milton Keynes Wheelchair Service these must be requested via your GP.
If you have a mobility problem or a disability, which makes it difficult to get around or do every day tasks you may find that equipment or adaptations make this easier. The Community Equipment Loan Service can supply equipment on an individual basis to people who have been assessed as needing it.
Mobility Equipment (walking aids)
Short Term Hire of Mobility Equipment
If you need short-term use of mobility equipment these can often be hired from the local British Red Cross. You can either collect equipment or, in some cases, have it delivered for a small fee.
Aids and Equipment
If you need small pieces of equipment (such as adapted cutlery, tap turners or dressing aids) you can buy this yourself from high street shops, chemists and on-line suppliers. If you choose to buy equipment yourself, you are responsible for the cost and for keeping it in good working order.
Alternatively, adults can contact our ACCESS Team to discuss what could make your day to day living easier, you may also need to be assessed by our Community Occupational Therapy Team (COT) over the telephone, at a clinic appointment or at your home.
Disabled Facilities Grants
If you need adaptations to help you live independently at home you may be eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant. These grants are provided for more major and essential works (costing £1000+) and are subject to an assessment and a means test.
Information about where you can apply for, borrow or purchase equipment and adaptations can be found by searching for "Equipment and Adaptations" in our Adult Social Care and Health Directory.
PLEASE NOTE : If you need equipment or adaptations for a child you will need to contact the Milton Keynes Children and Young People's Occupational Therapy Team Child Development Centre, Standing Way, Milton Keynes, MK6 5NG Telephone: 01908 724600 Email: mk.paed.ot@nhs.net
Adult Social Care ACCESS Team contact information
- 01908 253772
Monday to Friday 8:45am - 5:00pm, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ