MK Futures 2050

Milton Keynes Strategy for 2050

In January 2021, we adopted our Milton Keynes Strategy for 2050.  The strategy sets the way forward for the next era of making our great city greater. It is a strategy for everyone living in Milton Keynes today, especially the children and young people who will be our future citizens, as well as those who will choose to move here to be part of a globally leading green city.  

In January 2025, we took the opportunity to refresh the Strategy to update references and data throughout the document. The refresh has not changed the overarching vision or our approach to the future of Milton Keynes.

Read the Strategy for 2050 (January 2025 version).

We have also prepared a shorter summary version of the Strategy for 2050.  Read the Strategy for 2050 Summary Version (January 2025).

Please contact us if you require a text only version of these documents. 

The Strategy for 2050 was approved at a Cabinet meeting on 15th December 2020 (papers available on and at Full Council on 20th January 2021 (papers available on 

It now forms an annex to the Council Plan and projects within the Council Plan Delivery Plan help to work towards delivering the ambitions of the Strategy for 2050.

The Strategy for 2050 was developed using a comprehensive evidence base. For access to the individual background studies, please email

MK Futures 2050 Commission

The strategy was prepared following the recommendations of the MK Futures 2050 Commission in order to take a long-term view of the future of our city. 

The MK Futures 2050 Commission was set up in September 2015 as a way of thinking about the future of the city, helping to create a long-term vision for the way MK should grow and prosper over the coming decades.  

The group discussed the issues, challenges and opportunities facing MK and the global drivers that will influence the place in the future.  They felt that education and mobility were fundamental to the future prosperity of the city, and that addressing those two issues were the priority.

The Commission published 'Making a Great City Greater' in July 2016 and debated at our Full Council meeting that month where the report gained unanimous support from across all of the Councillors.  The role of the MK Futures 2050 Commission came to a formal end in July 2016 when they published their report.  

Read the Commission’s report ‘Making a Great City Greater.'