The advice and guidance the council provides to support schools delivering the highest standards of governance and control can be found in the Schools section of our website. You will also find guidance for schools on what to expect if they are selected for an internal audit as part of the council’s wider audit plan work which provides assurance to the council’s 151 officers regarding those funds administered by schools.
We provide many useful documents to explain what is covered by a schools audit.
If you are a school that has received notification of being audited, please contact the auditor who has written to you as they will be able to progress your queries quicker than the contacts below.
For all other concerns or queries please contact:
- our business continuity and resilience webpage provides relevant information and contact details relating to resilience.
- school governance provides governance and financial advice to help schools through their audit.
Further contacts
You can email the following teams if you have any internal audit (including risk management and fraud) concerns that aren't addressed elsewhere: