Audit document library

This page provides a single place for all policy documents and other associated detailed documentation relevant to internal audit, risk management and counter fraud services. Some of these documents contain the same or similar information designed for different audiences.  Please contact us if you require any documentation in an accessible format.

Fraud policies

  • Corporate Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy offers advice for anyone suspecting council services being used for money laundering and how the council demonstrates compliance with the legal requirements of those issues
  • Whistle Blowing Policy gives advice on how to raise a concern (confidentially if preferred) and how the council will handle those referrals
  • Anti Money Laundering Policy - the council has a zero tolerance policy for fraud. This document explains how the council investigates those concerns and how it will robustly progress cases where fraud is proven.

Statutory / best practice guidance

  • Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 - The statutory document requiring an ‘adequate and effective internal audit service for all councils.  
  • Global Internal Audit Standards - The best practice document for the delivery of internal audit services in the public sector.
  • Local Government Application Note - Further best practice guidance issued by CIPFA. 
  • Financial Regulations - The council’s formally approved document that sets out the proper processes required by the council’s 151 officer for the proper administration of council funds.
  • Internal Audit Strategy and Charter Best Practice requires the service to maintain a strategy and charter that defines how the service will deliver its work compliant with professional and client requirements.
  • Audit process - This document sets out the workflow of how the annual audit plan is developed, approved and then how individual audits are allocated from the plan and completed.

Internal audit documents

  • Internal Audit Manual is a detailed procedural document to be used by auditors in the delivery of audit assignments.
  • Audit Committee Reports – reports submitted to the audit committee and the agenda, minutes and decisions from all past meetings of the committee.


Milton Keynes Council

General enquiries contact information

  • 01908 691691 - 9am-5.15pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and 10am-5.15pm Wed (Out of hours emergency phone: 01908 226699)

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ