We are currently experiencing some technical issues with the Bus pass application. If there is an error when you try to make the application, please contact the team at STS@milton-keynes.gov.uk 

If you move school/college placement or home address, you will need to make a new application.

This also includes moving sites of the same school.

Parents and carers have a legal duty and a responsibility to ensure that their children attend school regularly and to make any necessary arrangements to ensure that they attend. In certain circumstances the council has a duty to provide School travel support.

Who is eligible for School Travel Support?

The maximum travelling time to or from schools that is considered reasonable by the council is 45 minutes for children of primary school age and 75 minutes by young people attending secondary school.

There are two grounds on which children would usually qualify for home to school transport.  Please read our School Travel Support Policy for full details.  

Statutory Walking Distance   

School travel support can be provided for a child of statutory school age on distance grounds if he or she attends their nearest suitable school.   

  • Beyond 2 miles (if below the age of 8); or 
  • Beyond 3 miles (if aged between 8 and 16) 

The shortest appropriate route between a school and a home address is measured by the Council using a computerised geographical information system. Each house and school has a unique reference, as do all the redways and paths, which are coded at any point or junction such as at an underpass or where it crosses with another path. This enables the programme to calculate the distance from home to school.   

If the transport support offered is in the form of a taxi or minibus provision from a home address the provider will only pick up from one primary address. This is usually the home address of the parent/s that receives the child benefit for the child/ren receiving school transport support. In exceptional circumstances an alternative address may be considered however this will need to be agreed in advance by the Local Authority. 

Extended Rights Eligibility  

The Council will support children with transport where pupils are entitled to free school meals or their parents are in receipt of maximum Working Tax Credit and if: 

  • The nearest suitable school is beyond 2 miles (for children over the age of 8 and under 11) 
  • The school is between 2 and 6 miles away (if aged 11-16 and there are not 3 or more suitable nearer schools) 
  • The school is between 2 and 15 miles and is the nearest school preferred on the grounds of religion or belief (aged 11-16) 

Should family circumstances and the entitlement come to an end then transport support will be withdrawn as soon as possible.  

Adult Bus Pass

An adult bus pass may be provided for an adult to accompany a child under 8 years old.

Special educational needs, disability or mobility difficulties

If a child’s special educational needs, disability or mobility problems mean that they could not be reasonably expected to walk to school then the council will assess each child on an individual basis to identify the most appropriate transport option.  

Unsafe Route Eligibility  

The Council will make transport arrangements for children who cannot be reasonably expected to walk to their nearest suitable school because the nature of the route is deemed unsafe to walk. The Council uses a computerised geographical information system to assess the safety of routes.   

Suitable School 

The nearest appropriate school is one that the Council considers to be suitable for the specific needs of the pupil. Parents or carers should be aware that if they express a preference for a school other than the nearest appropriate school then there is no automatic entitlement to free home to school transport support. 

Children living in temporary accommodation

For families placed in temporary accommodation, school travel support is only applicable where full duty to re-house is confirmed and it is established that the housing placement is anticipated to be for less than one school term. Families who are anticipated to be placed in temporary accommodation for more than one school term should make an application for a more local school place.

Please be aware that the School Travel Support team are unable to progress an application for School Travel Support until this information has been verified by the housing team. If you wish to check the status of your housing application ahead of making a home to school transport application please email homeless.enquiries@milton-keynes.gov.uk  or call 01908 253481.

Post 16 Students

As a general rule the Council does not provide free transport support for Post 16 students who live in Milton Keynes attending school sixth forms, sixth form colleges and colleges of further education. However, Milton Keynes City Council funds a concessionary fare scheme which enables young people up to 19 to travel on public transport at a reduced rate. For more information on all these services please call the Milton Keynes City Council Bus Card Section on 01908 252558. Please see our post 16 policy for more information.

Code of conduct

We expect all children and young people and their parents or carers to adhere to the relevant code of conduct to ensure that everyone has a pleasant and safe experience: 

How to apply

If you believe you are eligible for school transport, please complete a school transport application form. If eligible, you will be awarded a bus pass which is for use on public transport. 

If you feel a bus pass is not suitable due to individual needs, please complete an alternative/SEN application to be considered for a different method of transport support. Please apply online for alternative/SEN home to School Transport.

We will aim to process your application and if eligible arrange transport within 15 school working days. Please note that if there is no current transport provision available or if you are in temporary accommodation it will likely exceed this. If transport is agreed for your child please be advised that throughout your child’s eligibility the provider of the transport may change which may also mean that pick up/drop off times may vary if you are on a contracted provision route.

Moving house

Please contact us to advise us of your new address, we will then have to re-check eligibility and a new application may have to be made.

Alternative and SEN

Alternative/SEN Panel

You can apply for School Travel Support on exceptional grounds.  These cases are considered on an individual basis by a council panel and you will need to complete an application form for Alternative/SEN application online via 'Apply for alternative/SEN School Travel Support'. Panels are held every fortnight to view the applications.

If your appeal is unsuccessful, to reapply for the same child and the same school you must prove your circumstances have changed significantly and can provide new information that was not previously omitted. If you are not happy with the decision you can appeal and request a stage two.

Read the panel's terms of reference.

The Alternative/SEN Panel will consider a number of options for transport including:

  • Child and adult bus pass
  • MK Connect
  • Shared transport
  • Family led travel budget
  • Mileage
  • Independent travel training


For those children whose entitlement to free home to school transport has been confirmed by the council, there is an option for parents or carers to use their own vehicle to provide home to school transport, IF the council decides that it is a cost effective choice.  The mileage payment for parents or carers that provide school transport is 45p per mile, based on the shortest distance between home to school and on confirmation from your child’s school of their attendance. 

It is also possible to request that another adult (nominated by you) be allowed to provide the transport for your child, but only with your signed agreement. Mileage is only offered for a maximum of two journeys (one journey to school and one journey home).

Family Led Travel Budget

Family Led Travel Budget (FLTB) is a payment provided to parents or carers to facilitate any arrangements for home to school travel in order to ensure attendance and access to education.  It allows families to make flexible arrangements and monitor the quality of transport directly.

In order to access a FLTB, your child must:

A FLTB may be allocated as a result of a Alternative/SEN application.  To find out more, please view the Family Led Travel Budget guidance.

Independent Travel Training

Independent Travel Training (ITT) is a transport scheme designed to help young people who are entitled to home to school transport with the confidence and life skills required to travel independently, whether that is by foot, bike or public transport.

ITT is facilitated by Independent Travel Trainers who will work closely with school staff, parents, carers and children.  One of the trainers will accompany the applicant throughout their whole journey to school or college, empowering them to manage every aspect of their journey independently, including personal safety, finding their way and paying for fares.

The training will help build the young person’s confidence in other aspects of their life too such as:

  • future job opportunities
  • accessing new hobbies
  • improving social skills
  • increasing confidence and helping them to feel safer in their community

To find out more, please contact the School Travel Support Team.

Alternative school travel options

Privilege Fare Scheme

It may be possible for parents or carers to pay for travel on a home to school contract bus as a fare payer, but only if there are spare seats available. Once approved, children will be allocated seats.  This is known as the Privilege Fares Scheme, these applications will be processed approximately by the end of August. 

This currently only applies to

  • Ousedale School
  • Stantonbury Campus
  • The Radcliffe School

For more information on the cost and how to apply, please contact STS@milton-keynes.gov.uk 

All in 1 MK Card

The council funds substantially discounted transport via the All in 1 MK Card. It enables young permanent residents of Milton Keynes or those who attend school/college/training establishments in MK, aged 5 to 19, to travel on local public transport at discounted rates of £1.20 per journey.

For more information about the All in 1 MK Card please call the Milton Keynes City Council Bus Card Section on 01908 252558.

Information for providers

A provider that wishes to provide School Travel Support Services to Milton Keynes City Council will be required to join a Dynamic Purchasing System delivered through our technology partner Adam htt. In order for a provider to do this they will need to register and submit accreditation and enrolment information online via Milton Keynes Council - Passenger Transport Services 2021 (adamproviders.co.uk)

The Accreditation and Enrolment process involves the following steps:

Step 1 - registration

Step 2 - accreditation and Enrolment

Step 3 - provider creates and submits accreditation and enrolment

Step  4 - Adam htt and MKC reviews accreditation and enrolment

Step 5 - if approved, supplier joins DPS

To find out more, please visit Milton Keynes Council - Passenger Transport Services 2021 (adamproviders.co.uk)     

Home to School Transport

School Travel Support contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ