Land Availability Assessment
We are currently in the process of producing an updated evidence base to inform the preparation of a new plan for the development of the Borough through to the year 2050.
A key part of this evidence base is the preparation of a Land Availability Assessment (LAA) which will provide a clear understanding of the land available within our area and will help to inform a future site selection process to determine land allocations to meet identified needs for the plan.
It is intended that, with the exception of minerals related development, the LAA will cover all land uses, not just housing and employment, and once complete will replace both the previous Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2017) and elements of the Milton Keynes Employment Land Review and Economic Growth Study (2015) and its partial update (2017).
An information note outlining more details about the LAA and the stages we have undertaken to-date can be accessed at the link at the bottom of the page.
As part of the preparation of the LAA, a methodology document has been produced to outline how we intend to carry out each stage of the LAA and the processes we will undertake to identify sites and carry out the assessment of each site.
During February to April 2022 a consultation was carried out on a draft version of the methodology to enable the opportunity for comments to be made. Following this period, comments received were reviewed and a number of minor amendments were made to the methodology document.
The final version of the methodology document can be viewed below along with a document outlining the comments received during the consultation and a log of Officer responses and amendments made to the methodology document as a result. A copy of the Council Five-Year Housing Land Supply Phasing Methodology, which is referred to in the LAA methodology document can also be viewed.
- Land Availability Assessment Methodology 2022
- Draft LAA methodology log of Comments and Officer Responses
- Phasing Methodology associated with Five Year Housing Land Supply
Call for Sites
As well as consulting on a draft methodology, an eight-week Call for Sites period was also undertaken in early 2022 to enable the submission of sites to be considered for inclusion within the LAA and to assist us in proactively identifying all sites across the Borough which are available to potentially assist with delivering our growth ambitions. The Call for Sites was then re-opened via our online portal in February 2023 to enable further submissions to be made.
As of the start of June 2024, in the lead up to the publication of the Regulation 18 Consultation, planned for July 2024, the Call for Sites portal has been temporarily taken down. There will be an opportunity for new site submissions to be made once the Regulation 18 Consultation has been launched.
Information notes
The following are information notes which were prepared at different stages of the LAA outlining more details about the LAA and the stage that was being carried out at that time.