Latest Parking News

CMK Parking Bay Markings

In January 2025, we'll be refreshing the white and yellow road markings in CMK between Elder Gate and Saxon Gate. This will include all double yellow lines and all parking bay markings (including EV, disabled and permit markings)

Car parks will need to be closed as they work through the areas to refresh the markings. We have chosen to do these works at this time to limit the disruption to drivers.

Most works will take place during the day with only some being done overnight.

Advanced warning signs will be in place ahead of the works to advise drivers of the planned car park closures.

You can view the areas that are being included on our map here


Changes to the Green Permit for Ultra Low and Low Emission Vehicles

From 1 February 2024, the ultra-low emissions permit will cost £315 per annum, which is a 50% discount on full price parking charges.

For the last ten years we’ve provided this permit for free to encourage the use of electric vehicles and promote on street charging.

In that time, electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle use has increased significantly and the rationale for providing free parking has fallen away. 

There’s also more demand for charging spaces, so later this year (likely from June) we’ll be introducing a four-hour maximum stay so more people get to use the chargers instead of one person potentially parking for the whole day.

The 50% discount on full price parking is expected to run until 1 January 2025, when the low emissions and ultra-low emissions permits are due to become £630

Learn more in our Frequently Asked Questions. You can also contact the Parking Team at


CMK Parking Changes (2024 / 2025)

From 1 February 2024, the minimum stay in Premium (red) and Standard (purple) parking tariff bays in Central Milton Keynes will change.


  • The minimum stay in standard (purple) bays will become two hours (previously one hour).
  • The minimum stay in premium (red) bays will become one hour (previously 15 minutes).


There are no changes to the price per hour, which is £1 for two hours in standard bays.

People can continue to pay by cash or card at parking machines, or by card on the RingGo app.

We've made this change in response to requests from shopping centres and leisure attractions who want to encourage shoppers and visitors to spend more time in the city centre.


Find areas to park in Central Milton Keynes