Books and audiobooks on CD are loaned for a 4-week period and can be renewed up to four times. We're always happy to help and answer any questions about renewals or your account if you call 01908 254050.
If you do not return your items on time, or renew them before the due date, we will ask you to pay the overdue fines.
- Adult books - 50p (55p) per day - maximum fine £12.50 (£10) per item
- Adult audiobooks - 50p (55p) per day - maximum fine £12.50 (£10) per item
- Children's picture books and board books - NO FINES
- All other children's books - 20p per day - maximum £5 per item
- Children's audiobooks - 20p per day - maximum £5 per item
- Magazines - 50p (55p) per day - maximum fine £12.50 (£10) per item
- Reading Group Book Sets - £1.50 per day per set
A charge is also made for sending overdue reminders (and any other costs incurred). There is no charge for days when libraries are closed.
Fines may be avoided by renewing items. You can renew an item up to 4 times before it needs to be taken to a library. There are several reasons why you may not be able to renew an item.
If you have problems with online renewals, please contact any of the Milton Keynes libraries as soon as possible to avoid further charges.