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Private Landlords Information and advice for private landlords. Private Tenants Advice and assistance for private tenants Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Guidance, regulations and licensing. Housing, Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) Assessment to identify hazards and potential risks to health and safety Landlord Cash Incentive Scheme Incentive scheme for private landlords Flexible Home Improvement Loans and Empty Home Loans For essential repairs or to return a property to a habitable use Empty Homes Advice and assistance to bring empty homes back into use MK Landlord Accreditation Milton Keynes Landlord accreditation scheme (in partnership with NRLA)
Housing, Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) Assessment to identify hazards and potential risks to health and safety
Flexible Home Improvement Loans and Empty Home Loans For essential repairs or to return a property to a habitable use