Social Housing Decarbonisation Funded (SHDF) works

Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF)

The Council is carrying out energy improvement works (under the Social Housing Decarbonisation (SHDF) grant funded programme) to council homes prioritised by asset need and energy performance. We will be directly awarding the next phase of works to Mears up to the end of 2025/26 via the Prosper framework (ref DN608786) for decarbonisation retrofit (including refurbishment work). These works are not chargeable to you as the tenant/leaseholder and as such to meet grant award timescales, this is the most efficient route for delivery.

Observations and replies

The first stage of this consultation ended on the 30 November 2024. Thank you to all those who have provided comments so far. We will be carrying out further consultations in the new year and will provide information in due course.

Last updated: 6 December 2023

Reference: 104 | Received: 20 Nov 2023 | Responded: 6 Dec 2023

Observation: Anything to do with decarbonisation, does not work properly why are you going to do it? 

Reply: Thank you for your comment. The SHDF scheme is part grant funded and is programmed to address thermal and fabric challenges.


Reference: 80 | Received: 17 Nov 2023 | Responded: 1 Dec 2023

Observation: Do any of these plans include shared ownership properties?

Reply: Thank you for your question. No, MKCC is only responsible for work to MKCC owned properties/blocks.

Reference: 54 | Received: 14 Nov 2023 | Responded: 1 Dec 2023

Observation: Why are houses in netherfield being upgraded first, when there are worse EPC grades else where in the city? 

Reply: When planning large projects, which are part grant funded, the works is programmed to address thermal and fabric challenges. The properties also have to meet the grant funding requirements at the start and the finish too. So Netherfield is being progressed, while we plan more improvements to other properties as part of Wave 2.


Reference: 52 | Received: 11 Nov 2023 | Responded: 24 Nov 2023

Observation: When will the prosper framework start? And will it be with the least energy efficient homes? 

Reply: Thank you for your question. The Prosper Framework is due to start as soon as we have worked through the arrangements which will be in the next few months. The works are part grant funded, so will be to homes that meet the criteria, which is typically an D or below.


Reference: 39 | Received: 5 Nov 2023 | Responded: 10 Nov 2023

Observation: The EQUANS contract has been a disaster. Not least for you as you lost the chance fully to recover costs; someone was in such a hurry you failed to consult. Mears appeared to be the only people remotely in charge. MKC never spoke to us once about it. The solar panels do not contribute much to decarbonisation as they generate electricity for the communal lighting. And the wall insulation grant disappeared in smoke. A three month contract squeezed into four years.

Reply: Thank you for your observation.


No observations received  


Reference: 11 | Received: 18 Oct 2023 | Responded: 27 Oct 2023

Observation: Why aren't council houses being fitted with solar panels? The costs could be recovered from excess electricity bought by the grid.

Reply: Thank you for your question. As a landlord our primary source of income is rents and service charges from tenants and leaseholders.  The government controls rent setting and service charges simply cover our costs, so we have competing pressures on what and where money should be spent.  An example being balancing investing in compliance and energy improvements with investing in kitchens and bathrooms. We invite all residents who want to be more involved in shaping the future service to join a consultation working group.

Reference: 9 | Received: 18 Oct 2023 | Responded: 27 Oct 2023

Observation: How will you know which properties have a low energy rating and how will you be prioritising them? 

Reply: Thank you for your question. A property’s EPC – energy efficiency rating is calculated based on a number of different factors, such as design, construction and the level of installation etc. We continue to review these ratings and look to secure government funding wherever possible to fund improvement works to our tenants’ homes. Currently our ratings are completed by a competent external contractor on our behalf.

Reference: 5 | Received: 18 Oct 2023 | Responded: 27 Oct 2023

Observation: Our house has been surveyed as needing external insulation. Our render is falling off in chunks bugger than my head. This is allowing water ingress and creating issues heating the house. Out energy certificate is completely out of date and this house wouldn't be legal to rent if it were on the open market. Why are tenants being left like this due to poor maintenance? 

Reply: We are sorry to hear your previous experiences have not met your expectations. For more information in regard to any current repair and maintenance issues please visit Housing Repairs webpage.