Rent and service charges consultation

Rent and service charges consultation

This page includes all information related to the Rent and Service Charge consultation, to include:

videos and minutes from all meetings, observations made during the consultations and our replies to them, voting results, and more.

More details about the consultation

Consultation A
Spreading the rent collection weeks for tenants from 50 to 52 weeks.


Consultation B
Residents and MKCC officers work together to review service charges.


Cleaning and Caretaking Service Focus Group
Consultation B Subgroup tasked with reviewing the cleaning and caretaking service offer.


Ground Maintenance and Open Spaces Focus Group
Consultation B Subgroup tasked with reviewing the ground maintenance and open spaces offer.


Consultation C
Changes that affect Leaseholders and Shared owners.


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Housing Consultations

Housing Consultations contact information

Milton Keynes City Council, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ