Do I qualify for Social Housing

The eligibility criteria below is for our previous allocations scheme and will be applied to applications received before 16th January 2025

Anyone over the age of 16 with a housing need can apply to join the Housing Register. As part of your online application, you will complete an eligibility checker.

The eligibility checker will ask you to confirm the following information: 

  • Are you or a joint applicant subject to immigration control with no recourse to public funds? 
  • Are you or anyone on your application a homeowner?
  • Do you or anyone in your household have savings above £16,000?
  • Is your combined household yearly income above £64,201?
  • What is your Local connection?  
  • Living in Milton Keynes for 3 years up to the date of application 
  • Employed in Milton Keynes for a minimum of 3 years up to date of the application  (subject to qualifying criteria)

Caring responsibility for a Milton Keynes resident (care could not be provided unless you were resident in Milton Keynes))

  • Close relation resident in Milton Keynes for a minimum of 5 years up to the date of the application (parents/other guardians, siblings, adult children where there is sufficiently close links in the form of frequent contact )
  • Need access to medical or support services only available in Milton Keynes
  • Care leaver under Milton Keynes local authority under the age of 25

(Exemptions apply to applicants who are survivors of domestic abuse and Armed Forces personnel )

Some people might not qualify or be eligible for the Housing Register, such as:  

  • people who own their own home  
  • people who haven’t got a local connection
  • people with savings or assets over £16,000 (excluding pension pots)  
  • people who have a total gross household income above £64,200 per year (unless an exception applies)  
  • certain people who are subject to immigration control  
  • people (or household members) whose unacceptable behaviour would make them an unsuitable tenant  
  • people with an outstanding housing debt to us, a registered provider or private landlord 
  • people who have not complied with a previous tenancy agreement  
  • people who do not meet the threshold of housing need as defined by Bands A to C in our Housing Allocations Scheme  
Housing - Allocations Team

Housing - Allocations Team contact information

Post only:, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ