Sell-on pack
If you are thinking about buying or selling a property, we strongly recommend that you get a sell-on pack (this is also known as an assignment pack or pre-assignment enquiries). The pack contains all the information that potential purchasers usually want to know about the property including:
- The average service charge.
- Any outstanding service charges.
- The building insurance premium and what it covers.
- Details of any planned major works to the building/estate. Major works charges can vary from one contract to another (depending on the type of work undertaken and type of building) and in some cases can be for a substantial amount that may run to several thousands of pounds.
- Details of any major works to the building/estate that have been carried out but not invoiced yet. The owner of the property will be liable to pay the invoice, even if the work was carried out before they bought the property.
- A copy of the lease.
There is an administration fee for the sell-on pack, for a response in 10 working days the fee is £75 and for a response in 5 working days the fee is £100. We recommend that requests for packs are sent as early as possible.
Normally the seller’s solicitor will ask for the pack and they will send it to the solicitors of any potential purchasers. We cannot provide the pack directly to a potential purchaser or their legal representative.
In addition to any planned works, you should be aware that you, as the owner, will be liable for a share of the cost of future works to the building.
Shared Ownership
Shared Owners are free to put their properties onto the open market. Once you have accepted an offer, you will need to contact the Home Ownership team at for a Consent to Assignment form. You will need to complete the first three sections and the buyer will need to complete the rest and return it to us.
The Council will not issue consent where a buyer already owns another property, is a firm or company, or they intend to rent it to other people.
Deed of Covenant
When you sell your property the buyer's solicitor must within 30 days of the sale serve two notices on the Council to enable us to transfer the property into their names. If this does not happen then the property will remain in your name until it does. The Council will insist on the new owners signing a Deed of Covenant, stating that they will abide by the terms of the original lease.
EWS1 Forms
There is no legal requirement for your landlord to provide the external wall system (EWS1) form.
Not every building will require an EWS1 Form.
Should your mortgage provider require an EWS1 form to be produced, then a request should be made to MKCC with reasonable justification for its requirement in line with the criteria provided by RICS for consideration. We refer you to the RICS updated guidance on EWS1 Certification.
Seller Pack
If you would like to request a Sellers Pack, please email