Apply for a Highways Licence

You will need to apply for a licence if the work you are planning to do will be on or overhangs onto the adopted highway which is owned by the council. All the categories, forms and relevant fees are listed below.

To check if a road or street is adopted highway using the My MK Mapping tool on our homepage. Select the 'My Maps' tabs, add a postcode and then check the 'Adopted Highways' box 

These are the main highways licences including any associated terms and conditions, guidance notes or application form links. If you need assistance or have a question about licences contact our Streetworks Team by emailing:

Licence Application (Highways) fees

To apply, click on the email or weblink for the relevant licence or permit

All fees listed below are excluding VAT.

Highways Licences 2024-2025
Licence £ excluding VAT Apply Now
Building Materials on the Highway (per week) £107.80 Apply now
Crane (per 48 hours) £328 Apply now
Event Road Closure POA Email
Festive Lights POA Email
Filming on MK Highway POA Go to Filming in MK
Hoarding (up to 1 month) £178 Apply now
Oversail £50 Email
Planting in Highway (Cultivation licence) £154 Apply now
Road opening notice (under 200m) Section 50* £915 Apply now
Road opening notice (over 200m) Section 50* £1,875 Apply now
Scaffolding (up to 1 month) £178 Apply now
Scaffolding (complex) £654 Apply now
Skip on Highway (7 days) £66 Apply now
Skip Extension (7 days added to original licence)   £39  
Tables and Chairs on Highway £116.50 Apply now
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) £2,203 Email
Temporary Private Opening Licence £915 Apply now

* If this is on the highway (road, footway or verges) it must be licensed as per the Highways Act 1980.

Guidance Notes and Terms & Conditions

Other highways licences

Temporary Access

If a contractor or builder needs to construct temporary access to a site from a public highway, an application form called  Temporary Development Access Licence needs to be completed and sent to us. A licence can be issued normally within seven working days. To find out about the fees and charges before applying, please contact the Streetworks team on 01908 252353 or email 

Road Openings - as well as the Private Road Opening Licence Form, a Road Space Booking / Notice of Works form must accompany the application both at the advance notification stage, works in progress stage and works stop or closed stage. 

Road Closures - information about all planned road closures is listed on One.Network.

Road Space Booking - use this link to apply for a road space booking Road Space Booking - Notice of Works form