Permission to film on Milton Keynes City Council land and adopted highway

Before you submit any requests to film on Council owned land or adopted highways please read the guidance note on what information is required. For filming in the Highway we will need as much notice as possible in order to consult with our Highway's team and other departments, permission cannot always be guaranteed on short notice.

Filming requests

Milton Keynes City Council is a Unitary Authority and owns land and properties across the borough. It also manages an extensive network of adopted highways which include roads, pedestrian footpaths and its famous Redways (bike/pedestrian paths including under paths).

Permission can be sought by companies and individuals to undertake filming on Council owned land and adopted highways. This would not include a blanket permission to film on privately owned land, or public land in ownership by other parties such as MK Parks Trust, Homes England and the Town and Parish Councils.

Please ensure you have reviewed the Filming Location Guidance and that the land you want to film on is managed by the council. To check what’s privately owned or Council owned please check the Council’s Interactive Maps. (Maps are indicative only and include adopted highway layers.) We regret that we cannot provide you with details on private ownership of land, but this is available from HM Land Registry where possible.

Filming and application fees (non-refundable)

Commercial production

  • admin fee: £194.17 plus VAT
  • filming fee (full day):  £664.17 plus VAT
  • filming fee (half day): £385.33 plus VAT

Non-commercial production

  • admin fee: £97.50 plus VAT
  • filming fee (full day)*:  £332.50 plus VAT
  • filming fee (half day)*: £189.17 plus VAT

Additional requests

  • at cost of provision plus 10% admin fee
  • officer involvement** £66.67 per hour plus VAT
  • late application 25% surcharge

Other information on fees

Payment should be made over the phone by debit or credit card. Receipts will be issued by email. If you require an invoice to make payment this will require more time and may delay the approval of the filming request. 

 *Some filming activity deemed to have significant cultural and community benefit may be eligible for a discretionary discount of up to 25% of the filming fee. Film-makers which are part of school/college projects can apply for a 100% discount on the filming fee.

**If the proposed activities are sufficiently complex, extensive or sensitive to necessitate the presence of a Council representative, an admin fee will be required.


Filming in residential areas is problematic and this would need to be discussed further if proposed. Notice must also be given if there is a risk that filming might incorporate images of the public, particularly children. You are advised to also contact Thames Valley Police for all filming you do in Milton Keynes.

Filming on private property (e.g. the shopping centres in CMK or MK Parks Trust land), or when using buildings as a backdrop, the owner’s permission must be sought and all necessary arrangements made with them.

Milton Keynes City Council does not have a private bill in place yet to allow a road to be closed, or the traffic managed exclusively for the purpose of filming on the highway. Filming on the highway is permitted and can only be achieved if the road/pavement remains open to the public and, following consultation with our highways team, that the filming activities are suitable for that location. In most cases, the Highway Team require significant notice in order to be consulted on all filming in the adopted highway so please allow as much time as possible for your requests.

Established filming locations in Milton Keynes

Please see below for some established private filming locations in Milton Keynes:

Property and Development contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ