Council Tax Reviews

Council Tax Reviews

Milton Keynes City Council is required to review accounts receiving a discount, reduction, or exemption on their Council Tax bill. We may contact you to confirm that our records are accurate. This review aims to:

  • Verify the continued eligibility for a discounts, reductions, or exemptions.
  • Establish if your property is remains unfurnished and/or unoccupied

Please note that this webpage is not for making a new application for a discount or exemption.

If you have received a review letter or if your discount has been removed due not receiving a reply to our review, you can use this website to provide the necessary information.

Single Person Discount Review

Milton Keynes City Council are currently reviewing all residents receiving a 25% Single Persons Discount on their Council Tax bill. This discount is claimed when an adult is the sole occupant of the property.

If you have received a letter, you have been asked to confirm whether you remain the only adult resident at your address so that we may ensure our records are accurate and up to date. 

Where we do not appear to have received a reply to our enquiries, we are now removing the discount and sending an updated council tax bill. If you have received a new bill but you wish to reapply for your discount, please complete our online SPD re-apply form.

SPD Reapply Form

Multiple Property Review

We are currently contacting all residents within Milton Keynes who have multiple properties, but no discounts or exemptions applied to them, to establish the use of those properties and ensure our system is as up to date as possible.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 contains provision for councils to charge a second home premium of up to 100% from the 01st April 2025. Milton Keynes City Council will be applying the full premium of 100% on all eligible residential properties that are not occupied as a main residence and are substantially furnished.

If you have received a letter, you are being asked to complete the review form below, answering the questions for each of your properties listed on the letter.

Multiple Property Review Form

Student Review

We are currently reviewing all residents receiving a Student Exemption or Discount on their Council Tax bill. A Council Tax Exemption or Discount is claimed if you or the other people in your property are students. If all the occupants in your property qualify for a student discount, you are exempt. 

If you have received a letter, you have been asked to confirm whether there is a change which has occurred that would affect your entitlement to this Exemption or Discount and to ensure our records are accurate and up to date. Please use our online application.

Student Review Form

What happens next?

Once your application is submitted, we will review your circumstances. This process might take a while.

If there are any changes in your circumstances, you will receive an updated bill. If there are no changes, this will be confirmed, and no further contact will be made. However, we may reach out for additional information or evidence if needed.

The council may use third-party organisations to carry out such checks using financial and credit referencing information.

If you do not respond to our review, we will assume your situation has changed, and you will no longer be eligible for the discount or exemption. A revised bill will then be issued.