Informal consultation – Proposed 20mph Zone – High Street, Haversham

Informal consultation – Proposed 20mph Zone – High Street, Haversham

Start Date
End Date


A petition signed by residents was submitted to the Council requesting a 20mph zone for the High Street in Haversham, due to concerns over speeding through the village.

We have carried out speed surveys on the High Street which has revealed that the average speeds are above the acceptable level for a 20mph zone. 

Therefore, it is necessary that as part of the scheme, the Council will need to introduce a series of traffic calming features to reduce vehicle speeds to a compliant level.

You may view the document relating to this consultation below:

Haversham 20mph Speed Limit

This drawing that shows the extent of the 20mph zone and the proposed traffic calming features.

Once we have reviewed all the comments received during the informal consultation, we'll either proceed with the proposals in full or make adjustments that may require further consultation. We anticipate the scheme will go ahead in early 2025.

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