Following a city-wide safety assessment of the grid road network, we identified some locations that need improvements including the V5 Great Monks Street from H1 Ridgeway to H2 Millers Way.
We've put together these proposals to improve road safety here which include:
- Closing the Right Turns onto Gloucester Road, Greenleys Lane, Field Lane and Wilkinson Crescent
- Safer access for road users using this stretch of the V5
- Traffic signs and road marking renewal and upgrades
- Introduction of a new 40mph speed limit
You can view the map of the area and the proposals included here
Last year we asked an independent consultant to carry out a traffic and safety assessment across the grid road network to show use where we can make improvements to the road layout to boost safety.
This included looking at collision date, safety records and accident risks of right turning movements at all central reserve gaps on dual carriageway roads and of right turns on single carriageway roads. It also looked at every junction on the grid road network.
Seven categories were used to assess each location:
-Collisions (examination of records over several years)
-Traffic Volumes (from traffic surveys and publicly available data)
-Speed Limit (likely speed of traffic approaching the junction)
-Traffic Routing (what would the alternative route be if a gap were closed, or a turn banned)
-Estate Access (what degree of inconvenience would there be to residents)
-Buses (would any bus routes be affected by the proposed changes)
-Redways (what impact would there be on our walking and cycling network)
Some of the above categories are more important than others so we've factored this in to our overall assessments and prioritising of site where we are proposing improvements.
The section of the V5 Great Monks Street included in this consultation scored highly in these 'premium' categories due to the above average number of collisions where right turns and high speeds were common factors.