More for MK approach

More for MK

The More for MK approach was developed to be an initiative that uses Procurement and works with partners to deliver and capture local community improvements and social value. 

The Council has core commitments under More for MK of: 

  1. being a real living wage employer and 
  2. supporting smaller local suppliers. 

Additional outcomes under More for MK known as the 4 pillars that should be considered, included, and delivered with every procurement focus specifically on: 

  1. Local employment opportunities 
  2. Skilled and confident workforce 
  3. Healthier communities 
  4. Sustainability 

Broadly speaking, each of the 4 pillars could include elements such as the below:

1. Local employment opportunities

a. work with local employment organisations supporting the long-term unemployed or offer offender rehabilitation or similar to ensure that all non-supervisory recruitment opportunities are advertised within those employment organisations.

b. number of jobs (FTE) created for people with disabilities (physical disability, learning disability and/or mental health issues)

2. Skilled and confident workforce

a. create [X] number of apprenticeships for people living within the Authority Area (or within a thirty (30) mile radius of the Authority Area).

b. provision of [X] number of work experience opportunities for Milton Keynes' more vulnerable residents (for example children in care, young recently left care, people with learning disabilities etc. who face additional challenges when trying to secure training and employment.) per annum.

3.Healthier communities

a. support prevention activities by running education and publicity campaigns with specific targets (e.g., support [X] number of Contractor's Staff / residents / Customers within the Authority Area to stop smoking / increase their physical activity / access money advice).

b. actions taken to proactively identify and manage the risk of modern slavery occurring in relation to the Contract, including agency worker and Sub-Contractors 

4. Sustainability

a. provision of practical support / voluntary time for the creation of, or management of green spaces, to increase biodiversity, or to supporting community clean up initiatives.

b. provision of practical support including provision of in-kind contributions to support local groups improve their local amenity (for example provision of [X] Litter picking kits to parish and town councils, or provision of [X] volunteering hours to support a specific charity or social enterprise).