Housing Statistics

The data contained within these documents relates solely to the monitoring of housing development across the Borough prior to 30 June 2024; they do not form the Council's position on future projected completions, nor the Council’s assessment of five-year housing land supply

The Council's housing requirement for the monitoring year 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 is 1,902 dwellings.

Housing starts and completions

Housing starts and completions in Milton Keynes are monitored quarterly.  The next quarterly housing survey will be undertaken at the end of September 2024. As of monitoring year 2024-25, Q1 has been surveyed, please see below for figures.

Results as of 30 June 2024 (Q1)

The results for the year as of 30 June 2024 are:

  • Completions = 349
  • Starts = 410
  • Under Construction
  • Housing stock in the borough = 124,756
  • Housing Stock in MK's urban areas = 106,698
  • Housing Stock in MK's rural areas = 18,058


There is more analysis of the data available at: Housing Development Monitoring