If you have had a postal vote since before 31 October 2023, you will need to re-apply by 31 January 2026 in order to continue voting by post. You can re-apply for a postal vote online now.
Please note that emails for the postal vote renewal will be sent from
(Milton Keynes Electoral Services) milton.keynes.electoral.services@notifications.service.gov.uk
SMS messages are also sent from the Council in regards to the postal vote renewal. Please follow the instructions or use the link above to re-apply.
How do I register to vote?
- Go to Register to vote on the GOV.UK website
- Fill in your name, address, date of birth and a few other details. You’ll also need your national insurance number, which can be found on your national insurance card, or in official paperwork such as payslips, or letters about benefits or tax credits.
- You will receive a letter from Milton Keynes City Council to confirm that you are registered or if you need to provide further information.
To find out more visit Your Vote Matters information provided by Gov.UK
How old do I need to be?
You can register to vote if you are 16 years old or over, however you cannot vote until you are 18 years old.
Who can vote?
You can register to vote if you are a citizen of Britain, the Commonwealth, the Irish Republic, or a European Union member state*
*Two groups of EU citizens have retained their voting and candidacy rights:
- Qualifying EU citizens' - citizens of EU countries which have a reciprocal agreement with the UK Government, currently Denmark, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, and Spain.
- 'EU citizens with retained rights' - EU citizens from any other EU country who were already a legal resident in the UK before 31 December 2020.
This change will not affect the rights of citizens from Ireland, Malta, or Cyprus.
If you are in the armed forces you can register at home and have a postal vote or a proxy vote.
Residents of mental hospitals (unless detained under the Mental Health Act), homeless people and remand prisoners can register using a declaration of local connection. Convicted prisoners are not eligible to vote.
Voting anonymously
If you think your name and address being on the electoral register could affect your safety, or the safety of someone in your household, you can register to vote anonymously. You can find more information and the relevant forms on the Electoral Commission website.
Voting for those who do not have a permanent address
If you don't have a permanent home, you can register to vote at an address where you spend most of your time (during the day or night). Forms are available on the Electoral Commission website.
How do I vote by post?
You can choose to vote by post rather than going to your polling station. You can apply for a postal vote online. You will need to provide your National Insurance number (NiNO) or proof of your identity if you do not have a NiNO. You will also need to upload your signature.
If you are unable to complete the form online it is still possible to download and complete a form. You can send a scanned copy of your completed form to postal.votes@milton-keynes.gov.uk or by post to the freepost address below:
Milton Keynes City Council
1 Saxon Gate East
Central Milton Keynes
If you change your name or signature after you have completed an application form please contact us so that we can send you a new form to update our records.
Postal ballot papers are sent out about 10 days before polling day.
Along with the instructions on how to return the postal vote is a statement on which you have to provide your date of birth and your signature. These will be compared with those you have already provided. This has to be returned to us, with the ballot paper, by the close of poll on election day.
If you do not return your postal vote in time you can hand it in at your polling station on election day, polling stations are open until 10pm.
If you have had a postal vote since before 31 October 2023, you will need to re-apply by 31 January 2026 in order to continue voting by post. You can re-apply for a postal vote online.
Electoral Services will be emailing all electors, where we hold an email address, who need to re-apply for a postal vote between March and June 2025. A reminder email will be sent in the Autumn.
How do I vote by proxy?
Proxy voting is when someone votes on your behalf, if you cannot vote in person. You can vote by Proxy;
- for a single election on a specific date
- for a specific period (maximum 5 years) subject to meeting the relevant criteria
You need to give the reason why you’re applying for a proxy vote.
You are able to apply for a proxy vote online. You will need to provide a National Insurance number (NiNO) or proof of your identity if you do not have a NiNO. You will also need to upload your signature.
Your proxy will be required to show photographic identification to vote at the election. Further information on Voter ID can be found here.
A proxy will only be able to act as a proxy for up to four people. Of these, the maximum number who can be 'domestic electors' (voters registered in the UK) is two.
There are different forms online, depending on why you are applying to vote by proxy. Make sure you complete the right one.
If you are unable to complete the form online it is still possible to download and complete a form. You can send a scanned copy of your completed form to proxy.votes@milton-keynes.gov.uk or by post to the freepost address below:
Milton Keynes City Council
1 Saxon Gate East
Central Milton Keynes
Do I need my polling card to vote at the polling station
You do not need your polling card to vote at the polling station. As long as you’re registered to vote at your current address you’ll receive a poll card a few weeks before an election. They’re usually posted out in batches, so cards for different voters at the same address might arrive at different times.
Keeping your vote if moving abroad
If you are a British citizen and you are thinking of living or working abroad, you may still be able to register to vote at Parliamentary elections at your last address in the UK. At the time of an election you can choose to vote by post or proxy. To find out more go to How to Vote.
Help and advice
If you need help or advice you can contact the Electoral Registration Office using the details in the contact area.
Key information about your vote
You’ll vote at a polling station near your home, for example at a local school or village hall. Each polling station will have a clear sign outside. On election day polling stations are open from 7am - 10pm.
When you arrive, you’ll need to confirm your name and address to the staff at the polling station. You will be required to show photographic identification to vote at the election. Further information on Voter ID can be found here.
Take the ballot paper to one of the polling booths and put a cross in the box next to the name of the candidate(s) you want to support. Do not write anything else on the ballot paper, otherwise your vote might not count. Once you’ve voted, fold the ballot paper over so your choice can’t be seen and put it in the locked ballot box. Staff at the polling station will make sure that only votes are put into the box. You don't have to tell anyone who you voted for.
How do local elections work in Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes City Council is a unitary authority and provides the majority of local government services for its residents. To find out more about unitary authorities visit www.gov.uk/understand how your council works.
The Council has 57 councillors with one third elected three years in four.
Local elections give residents the chance to choose who represents them locally.
In addition to electing local councillors, residents will sometimes also be asked to vote for their local Parish councillor, Police and Crime Commissioner or Referendum Plans.
The local elections are normally held on the first Thursday in May.
Elections contact information
- 01908 254706
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ