Cabinet meetings
The operational decisions of Milton Keynes City Council are taken by the Leader of the Council and a group of councillors known as the Cabinet or the Executive.
The Cabinet carries out all of the Council's functions which are not the responsibility of any other part of the Council.
The Cabinet produces monthly a Forward Plan of all key and non-key decisions which are to be taken.
Who are the Cabinet members and what are they responsible for?
- Pete Marland - Leader of the Council
- Lauren Townsend - Deputy Leader- Cabinet Member for Resources & Customer Experience
- Shanika Mahendran - Cabinet Member for Planning & Placemaking
- Akash Nayee - (Maternity Cover for Amber McQuillan) Cabinet Member for Community Safety & Partnerships
- Donna Fuller - Cabinet Member for Adult Services, Health & Communities
- Joe Hearnshaw - Cabinet Member for Children and Young People
- Ed Hume - Cabinet Member for Housing
- Mick Legg - Cabinet Member for Regulatory Services
- Jenni Wilson-Marklew - Cabinet Member for Public Realm
The areas that Cabinet Members are responsible for is set out in Cabinet Portfolios. Amber McQuillan will be on parental leave from 3 March. Her portfolio will be covered by Akash Nayee.
Can I attend a Cabinet meeting?
Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Cabinet unless there is confidential or exempt information being discussed. Thirty minutes is allocated at every meeting for public questions where notice has been given in advance to the Head of Democratic Services. The Government has produced a Guide to attending Cabinet meetings.
Due to the amount of business to be transacted the Cabinet has 'delegated authority' for some decisions to be taken by Council Officers. The Council's constitution provides a detailed description of these responsibilities.
Calling in a Decision
Decisions of the Cabinet or a decision by an individual Cabinet member are subject to a call-in procedure whereby residents of Milton Keynes or elected representatives can ask for a decision to be reviewed. Any two councillors, the chair or clerk of any Parish or Town Council or any 20 residents of Milton Keynes may call-in a decision within a period of 5 days of that decision being published. The call-in will be considered at a meeting of a Scrutiny Sub-Committee, which will be held within 10 days of the call-in.
The Scrutiny Sub-Committee will have the power to
- refer the decision back to the Cabinet member or Cabinet that made the decision
- refer the decision to a meeting of full Council
- agree that the decision should stand
If you wish to call-in a decision you can download a
Calling In Request Form.docx (28.55KB)
form which should be sent to:
The Director of Law and Governance
Civic Offices
1 Saxon Gate East
Milton Keynes