MK outbreak control plan

The MK outbreak control plan is designed to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in MK and is led by Milton Keynes Council in conjunction with Public Health England, and had input from 18 local organisations.

The plan is updated regularly as new insights into the virus and its management are known. The Milton Keynes Health and Wellbeing Board will oversee its delivery.

Reporting concerns

One of the ways local people can help is by reporting serious concerns about workplaces and other facilities where measures aren’t being followed. Intelligence like this can help us to track and control virus transmission and your details will not be shared with the person or place you are telling us about.

You can write to us at

We may not reply to all messages but we will read them all, and they’ll be used to gather intelligence so we can take action where needed.

COVID-19 Recovery Framework

The Council’s Covid-19 Strategic Recovery Framework outlines how Milton Keynes and its people can successfully recover from the impact of COVID-19.

It outlines how we will work as an organisation and with our partners on recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

In response to the challenges MK faces, the council proposed its largest ever economic financial package for Milton Keynes’ ‘recover’ stage, worth £3.4m, alongside which it aims to protect and inspire at least £2bn of specific and identified investment into the city.  

The £3.4m investment will fund activity led by the council and its partners to:

  • transition to a greener economy that prioritises inclusive growth and reduces poverty and inequality
  • support businesses and attract inward investment
  • retain high levels of employment and reduce unemployment
  • provide practical help and support to those in need
  • deliver a financially sustainable council

The breakdown of our £3.4 million Recovery Framework Fund is divided into the following categories:

  • £2.25 million for Economic Recovery Planning (of which £1m to support business recovery, £750k is to support people back to work, £250k to support women in work and £250k is to support young people)
  • £500k investment in sustainable transport, for cycling walking and sustainable modes of transport
  • £350k to tackle inequalities (of which £60k is to support Children’s Mental Health Services, £100k is to tackle health inequalities in BAME backgrounds, £40k for bereavement support, £150k to extend support for Foodbank Xtra
  • £150k for Community Restart support (of which £100k is for a VCSE Restructure fund and £50k is for a Community organisation support fund)
  • £150k to develop ‘shovel ready’ infrastructure schemes

The Economic Recovery Plan for Milton Keynes, supported by £2.25m of funding, was approved by Cabinet on 1st September 2020.