Before you start, obtain a copy of the relevant Code of Conduct. Milton Keynes City Council’s Code of conduct is available here. Codes of Conduct for Parish, Town or Community Councils are usually available on their website, or from their Clerk.
You must complete the online form with all the information you wish to be considered. If you have a MK Citizen account, you can save your progress and return to the form later, so read everything over and make sure it addresses the below points before you submit.
- Be precise about which part of the Code of Conduct you think the Councillor has breached.
- Be specific about the behaviour in question, for example: where and when it happened, what was said, who was there and why it breached the relevant section of the code.
- Provide evidence which substantiates the allegation. Usually, we can only consider publicly available information, or direct evidence (such as email or screenshots) as part of our decision but if there are witnesses – ask them to write down their recollection and submit this with the complaint. You should upload all the evidence you wish to submit along with your complaint.
We don’t allow anonymous complaints, so your name and complaint will be passed to the councillor you have complained about, unless there would be a serious threat to your safety. Your contact details will however remain confidential.
If you have difficulty in submitting the form electronically, please write to the Monitoring Officer at the address below to request a form:
The Monitoring Officer, Milton Keynes City Council, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ