A to Z of recycling in Milton Keynes

All visits to the Household Waste Recycling Centre  (the 'tip') must be booked either online or by telephone.

We have tried to make this list as comprehensive as possible, but of you are unable to find the item listed that you are looking for please email wasteeducation@milton-keynes.gov.uk for clarification.

Check our A to Z listing

  • Aerosol spray cans, full or part-full - in the black wheelie bin
  • Aerosol spray cans, empty - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Aluminium drinks can - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Animal bedding, e.g. straw, hay - (double bagged) in the black wheelie bin
  • Animal waste, including dog poo, cat litter, hamster/gerbil bedding, etc. - (double bagged) in the black wheelie bin
  • Asbestos - see advice
  • Ash, cooled - in the black wheelie bin

  • Batteries, household batteries, including AA, AAA, C, D, etc. - in the yellow battery bag
  • Batteries, household leaking - in the black wheelie bin
  • Battery, car - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre 
  • Biodegradable nappies - in the black wheelie bin
  • Biscuit tins - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Biscuit wrappers - in the black wheelie bin
  • Black plastic food trays - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Black plastic food tubs - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Bleach bottle - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Bones, meat and fish - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Books - remove covers and place in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Branches over 15cm in diameter - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre 
  • Branches, up to 15cm in diameter - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Bread, baked goods - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Bubble wrap - in the black wheelie bin

  • Cables - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Caddy liners, not stamped with the standard EN13432 or display the 'Seedling logo' - in the black wheelie bin
  • Caddy liners, stamped with the standard EN13432 or display the 'Seedling logo' - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Car battery - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Cars - see Unwanted cars or Abandoned cars advice
  • Cardboard - red lid wheelie bin
  • Cardboard, large - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Cards - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Carpet - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Carrier bags, plastic - local supermarket recycling point or in the black wheelie bin
  • Cartons, e.g. juice, milk - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Cat litter -  (double bagged) in the black wheelie bin
  • Catalogues - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • CDs - in the black wheelie bin
  • Chargers - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Cheese - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Chemicals, household and garden chemicals - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • China, broken - in the black wheelie bin 
  • Chocolate wrappers - in the black wheelie bin
  • Cleaning product bottles - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Cleaning wipes - in the black wheelie bin
  • Cling film - in the black wheelie bin
  • Clothes, good quality - to your local charity shop
  • Clothes, poor quality - in the black wheelie bin
  • Coat hangers - please return to the shop/supermarket to be recycled, or the black wheelie bin
  • Coffee capsules/pods - return to the manufacturers or in the black wheelie bin
  • Coffee cups, disposable - in the black wheelie bin
  • Coffee grounds - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Coke can - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Compost plastic outer bag - black wheelie bin (some garden centres collect and recycle, check locally)
  • Compostable caddy liners, not stamped with the standard EN13432 or display the 'Seedling logo' - in the black wheelie bin
  • Compostable caddy liners, stamped with the standard EN13432 or display the 'Seedling logo' - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Compostable cups, not stamped with the standard EN13432 or display the 'Seedling logo' - in the black wheelie bin
  • Compostable cups, stamped with the standard EN13432 or display the 'Seedling logo' - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Contact lens cases - black wheelie bin
  • Cooked meat - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Cookers - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Cooking oil - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Cotton wool - in the black wheelie bin
  • Crisp packets - in the black wheelie bin
  • Crockery, good quality - to your local charity shop
  • Crockery, poor quality - in your black lid wheelie bin or taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Cups, compostable, not stamped with the standard EN13432 or display the 'Seedling logo' - in the black wheelie bin
  • Cups, compostable, stamped with the standard EN13432 or display the 'Seedling logo' - in the green wheelie bin 

  • Dairy products - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Dead flowers - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Disposable coffee cups - in the black wheelie bin
  • Disposable face masks PPE - in the black wheelie bin
  • Disposable nappies - (double bagged) in the black wheelie bin
  • Disposable plastic cutlery - in the black wheelie bin
  • Disposable PPE facemasks - in the black wheelie bin
  • Disposable vapes - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Dog poo - (double bagged) in the black wheelie bin
  • Drinking glasses, broken - in the black wheelie bin
  • Drinks can - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Duvets and pillows - in the black wheelie bin
  • DVDs - in the black wheelie bin

  • Egg boxes (cardboard) - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Egg boxes (plastic) - in the black wheelie bin
  • Electrical equipment - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Electronic equipment - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Engine oil - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Envelopes, including window envelopes - in the red lid wheelie bin


  • Fabric or rags - in the black wheelie bin
  • Face masks, disposable PPE - in the black wheelie bin
  • Film, plastic e.g. clingfilm - in the black wheelie bin
  • Fire extinguishers, contents must be identifiable - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Fish - in the green wheelie bin
  • Fizzy drinks can - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Flowers, dead - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Flower pots - reuse where possible or in the black wheelie bin
  • Fluorescent tubes - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Foil food trays, clean - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Foil food trays, dirty - in the black wheelie bin
  • Foil, clean - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Foil, dirty - in the black wheelie bin
  • Food metal cans - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Food waste, all - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Freezers - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Fridge freezers - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Fridges - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Fruit nets - in the black wheelie bin
  • Fruit, including peelings - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Fruit, windfall fruit - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Furniture e.g. tables, mattresses, beds, wardrobes - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre

  • Garden and household chemicals - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Garden waste - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Garden waste, large amounts - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Gas bottles (contents must be identifiable) - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Gerbil bedding, e.g. straw, hay - (double bagged) in the black wheelie bin
  • Gift wrapping paper (no glitter or foil content) - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Glass bottles - (lids removed) in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Glass bottles, broken - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Glass jars - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Glass jars, broken -in the blue lid wheelie bin

  • Hamster bedding, e.g. straw, hay - (double bagged) in the black wheelie bin
  • Hardcore and rubble - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Hazardous waste - see advice
  • Household and garden chemicals - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Household batteries, including AA, AAA, C, D, etc. - in the yellow battery bag 

Juice cartons - in the blue lid wheelie bin

  • Kitchen towel - in the black wheelie bin

  • Laminated paper - in the black wheelie bin
  • Laptop batteries - in the yellow battery bag 
  • Large appliances e.g. cookers, washing machines - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Leaflets - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Leaves - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Lids (plastic or metal) attached to or separated from respective jars or bottles - in the blue lid bin
  • Light bulbs - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre 

  • Magazines - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Masks, disposable face masks PPE - in the black wheelie bin
  • Meat, raw or cooked - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Medicines - return to your local chemist/pharmacy
  • Metal food cans - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Metal lids from bottles and jars, loose - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Metal saucepans - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Milk cartons - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Mirror - in the black wheelie bin
  • Mixed materials, e.g. pill packets, padded envelopes, Pringles tubes - in the black wheelie bin 
  • Mobile batteries - in the yellow battery bag 
  • Mobile phones - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Mouldy food - in the green wheelie bin 

  • Nappies, biodegradable - in the black wheelie bin
  • Nappies, disposable - in the black wheelie bin
  • Netting, e.g. fruit nets - in the black wheelie bin
  • Newspapers - in the red lid wheelie bin

  • Oil, cooking and engine - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Out of date food - in the green wheelie bin 

  • Padded envelopes - in the black wheelie bin
  • Paint - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Paper - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Paper, shredding - shred the sensitive data only, leave the remainder unshredded and place it all in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Paper, laminated - in the black wheelie bin
  • Paper, waxed e.g. bread bag - in the black wheelie bin
  • Paper with glitter, foil or paint - in the black wheelie bin
  • Perfume glass bottle (empty) - in the blue wheelie bin
  • Pet food leftovers - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Pet food pouches - in the black wheelie bin
  • Pet food tins - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Pet poo - (double bagged) in the black wheelie bin
  • Photographs - in the black wheelie bin
  • Pill packets - in the black wheelie bin 
  • Pillows and duvets - in the black wheelie bin
  • Pizza box, clean - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Pizza box, greasy - in the black wheelie bin
  • Plant pots - reuse where possible or in the black wheelie bin (some garden centres collect and recycle, check locally)
  • Plants - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Plastic bags - in the black wheelie bin
  • Plastic bottle - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plastic bottles with pumps and trigger - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plastic cutlery, disposable - in the black wheelie bin
  • Plastic drinks bottles - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plastic film, e.g. clingfilm - in the black wheelie bin
  • Plastic food pots - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plastic food punnets - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plastic food trays, including black - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plastic food tubs, including black - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plastic lids from bottles and jars, loose - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plastic milk bottles - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plastic toys - to local charity shop or in the black wheelie bin
  • Plastic water bottles - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Plate scrapings - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Polystyrene - in the black wheelie bin
  • PPE facemasks, disposable - in the black wheelie bin
  • Pringles tube - in the black wheelie bin

  • Raw meat - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Razor blades - in the black wheelie bin
  • Ready meal containers - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Rubble - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre

  • Sanitary products - in the black wheelie bin
  • Sanitising wipes - in the black wheelie bin
  • Seashells, e.g. oyster, mussels, scallops, etc - in the green wheelie bin
  • Shredded paper - shred the sensitive data only, leave the remainder unshredded and place in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Small appliances - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Soil - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Spray cans, full or part-full - in the black wheelie bin
  • Spray cans, empty - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Squeezy tubes, e.g. toothpaste tube - in the black wheelie bin
  • Steel food cans - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Sweet tins - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Sweet wrappers - in the black wheelie bin

  • Tea bags - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Tetra Paks - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Thermal paper - in the black wheelie bin
  • Timber - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Tin foil, clean - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Tin foil, dirty - in the black wheelie bin
  • Tissues - in the black wheelie bin
  • Toilet roll cardboard tube - in the red wheelie bin
  • Toothpaste tubes, squeezy - in the black wheelie bin
  • Toothpaste pump - in the blue lid wheelie bin
  • Tree branches, up to 15 cm in diameter - in the green wheelie bin 
  • TVs and monitors - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Twigs - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Tyres - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre (not Bleak Hall)

  • Vapes, including disposables - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Vegetables, including peelings - in the green wheelie bin 
  • VHS tapes - in the black wheelie bin
  • Vinyl records - in the black wheelie bin

  • Washing machines - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Water filters - in the black wheelie bin
  • Waxed paper - in the black wheelie bin
  • Weeds - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Wet wipes - in the black wheelie bin
  • Windfall fruit - in the green wheelie bin 
  • Window Envelopes - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Wine glasses, broken - in the black wheelie bin
  • Wood - take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre
  • Wrapping paper with no glitter or foil content - in the red lid wheelie bin
  • Wrapping paper with glitter or foil content - in the black wheelie bin

  • Yoghurt pots - in the blue lid wheelie bin

Waste and Recycling team contact information

Milton Keynes Waste Recovery Park (appointment only), 9 Dickens Road, Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes MK12 5QF