Toy Safety Matters

Things to look out for when buying toys

Check the seller - Find out where they're based and read online reviews.

It is genuine? - Check the packaging has a UK address and CE or UKCA mark.

Online marketplaces - Take extra care. Don't assume safety tests have been done.

Be a savvy shopper - Cheapest can mean lowest quality. Shop around and compare with brands.

Keep watching - Check for broken parts, small pieces, stuffing, loose batteries or magnets.

Speak with Citizens Advice consumer helpline if you have a concern about a product you have bought. Telephone 0808 223 1133

Free drop-in sessions

Drop in to one of our free toy safety sessions for further advice about toy safety that could keep your child safer while they play.

Friday 21 March, 10:30am - 11am, Newport Pagnell Library

Tuesday 25 March, 10am - 11:30am, Pebbles Centre (Fishermead)

Tuesday 25 March, 10am - 11:30am, Hummingbird Family Centre

Thursday 27 March, 10:30am - 11am, Stony Stratford Library