The Healthy Relationships Project (HRP) aims to address the effects and impact of domestic abuse on children, young people, and adults and for them to gain a better understanding of what a healthy relationship is. HRP predominantly support families that are open to children's social care who have been affected by domestic abuse. We offer a range of courses to both adults and children – these include:
Let’s Talk 8 to 12 years
- 8-week programme to help young people to understand their feelings and to be able to identify with keeping safe, plus how to build healthy relationships with family and friends.
Escape the Trap 13 to 17 years (Please complete Young Person's Referral Form)
- 8-week programme providing an accessible way for young people to address their expectations of healthy relationships/experiences of teenage relationship abuse.
The HRP REACH programme (Please complete Young Person's Referral Form)
- This is an 8-week programme delivered in schools, as well as 1-1 and is aimed at supporting teenage boys aged 12-17 years to safely explore their journey to becoming a man, and their role in relationships. Each session is designed to encourage boys to learn about healthy masculinity, gender roles, and challenging stereotypical expectations. This will equip them with the tools to reflect on what a healthy relationship is versus what an unhealthy relationship may look like, whilst promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.
Freedom programme
- 12 week rolling programme for women who have experienced abusive relationships past and present.
- Raises awareness of the cycle of abuse and the impacts that this may have on them and their children.
Recovery Toolkit (must have completed Freedom programme within the last 2 years and be out the abusive relationship)
- 12-week programme which aims to rebuild the self-esteem and confidence of women who have lived with abuse by providing tools centred on CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to enable recovery.
One to one support for children, young people, and adults.
- This is tailored support that can be offered where there are barriers preventing clients being able to take part in a group programme.
- For 1 to 1 work clients will be offered 8 sessions initially, which will then be reviewed to ascertain if more sessions are required. However, if clients miss 3 sessions, they will not be offered any further appointments, and a new referral will need to be submitted if support is still required from the Healthy relationship project.
- The referral for one-to-one clients will be allocated on a first come first served basis as we do currently have a waiting list.
Drawing and talking
- Drawing and talking allows individuals to discover and communicate emotions through a non-directed technique, setting it apart from existing solution-focused and cognitive-based therapies and interventions.
To book a Healthy Relationship course, email the team or call 01908 254 223.