Video resources


Below you will find video resources for our parent programmes as well as links to video resources from other key services. These are for you to watch in your own time, at your own pace, as many times as is helpful and supportive for you. You can also share these with family and care providers to help them in understanding and supporting you and your family.

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Amazing Things Happen - a film which aims to raise awareness among young non-autistic audiences, especially aimed at teachers and parents

The Primary Age

Last year, we held a series of talks and Q&A sessions about Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and Social Communication Differences (SCD) called 'The Primary Age':

  • Introduction - Chris White, Specialist Teacher for the Inclusion Specialist Teaching Team, presents this short video about how ASC and SCN can present in children and young people and how every ASC/SCN 'profile' will be similar, but individual - Introduction to ASC and SCD (33:00) 

  • Understanding sensory processing needs and strategies - Michelle Milne, Alison Standish and Clare Bainbridge of the Children's Occupational Therapy team present this series of videos about sensory processing needs, the videos are best viewed in sequence
  1. Introduction to Paediatric Occupational Therapy (Presented by Michelle Milne, 01:24)

  2. What is Occupational Therapy  (Presented by Michelle Milne, 05:43)

  3. Our Senses (Presented by Alison Standish, 23:55)

  4. What is Sensory Processing (Presented by Michelle Milne, 04:19)

  5. The Impact of Sensory Processing Difficulties (Presented by Michelle Milne, 06:56)

  6. Recognising Sensory Signals in Children (Presented by Alison Standish, 18:02)

  7. Activities of Daily Living (Presented by Clare Bainbridge, 45:09)

  8. Emotional Regulation (Presented by Alison Standish, 28:06)

  9. Sensory Diets (Presented by Michelle Milne, 06:35)

  10. Motivating Children (Presented by Alison Standish, 12:50)

  11. Case Study (Presented by Michelle Milne, 07:47)

  12. Using planning wheels to support your child with sensory differences (Presented by Alison Standish, 24:53)

  13. Planning Wheel animation with subtitles and BSL

  14. Planning Wheel animation without subtitles and BSL

Strategies to support sleeping and toileting - Vicky West, Specialist Nurse for the Community Paediatric services, presents these two videos about your child's sleeping and toileting difficulties.

  1. Autistic Spectrum Condition and Sleep Difficulties in Children and Young People (23:02)

  2. Autistic Spectrum Condition and Toileting Difficulties in Children (27:06)

Supporting Communication - presented by Gurpreet Panesar and Helen Hallewell who work for the NHS Speech and Language Services, working within the communications department and mainstream schools respectively. They are both also a part of the multidisciplinary team for ASD assessments - Supporting Communication (26:37)


Using visuals to support understanding - Sally Ahmad, Specialist Teacher for the Inclusion Specialist Teaching Team, presents these two videos about how to support understanding through the use of visuals.

  1. Comic Strip Conversations (12:25)

  2. Social Scripts (15:10)

Understanding and Managing Anxiety - Amy Segui, Specialist Teacher with the Inclusion Specialist Teaching Team, presents this video about how you can support your child to manage their anxiety - Supporting Your Child To Manage Their Anxiety (21:50)


Supporting Siblings and Encouraging Socialising - Chris White, Specialist Teacher with the Inclusion Specialist Teaching Team, presents this video about how to support the siblings of children diagnosed with ASC or with SCN, as well as how to encourage socialising, while recognising the individual personalities of our children Supporting Siblings and Encouraging Socialising (25:00)


Behaviours of Concern - Chris White, Specialist Teacher with the Inclusion Specialist Teaching Team, presents these videos looking at behaviours of concern, why you may see them and strategies to support.

  1. Why You May See Behaviours of Concern (17:50)

  2. Strategies To Support Behaviours of Concern (34:45)

Services and Support

  1. SENDIAS (4:10) Rachel Clark and Sidrah Goheer present this video explaining the support available from their service.
  2. Carers MK (5:35) Carers MK supports unpaid carers in Milton Keynes - this video introduces our service and the support that we can provide

Speech and Language Therapy Team (SaLT)

The Milton Keynes NHS SaLT Team have created a series of videos to support children who have speech, language and/or communication needs. These are useful for parents and professionals.

Visual Impairment

Down Syndrome

Hearing Impairment - Pardon?’ is a 12-minute film, written and directed by the students and funded by Milton Keynes Council.

The film includes two versions of a typical school day. Filmed from the perspective of a girl with hearing impairment, it clearly shows some of the challenges she faces.

The project came about after a group of students realised they were all experiencing the same issues in daily school life. They wanted to find a way to tell everyone in schools – from teachers and support staff to other students, how they could make things easier.

The aspiring film-makers also hope it will send a message to other students with a hearing difficulty that they are not alone.

As part of this project, students with hearing impairment were asked a series of questions to help debunk some common myths and misconceptions.

  • Does it help if we speak louder?

No! We need you to speak clearer not louder. Sometimes a loud voice is really distorted. It helps if you face us too. We are all different and have different needs. You do need to check in with us please.

  • When is it best to talk to you?

Again, this is an individual thing. Most of us would prefer talking to you outside of class so that we don’t feel ‘different’. Obviously a quiet place gives us the best chance to hear you. Oh yes, and we would rather not miss our breaks or lunch!”

  • What sort of noises bother you in class?

Well probably the same as you: badly behaved students! If we are sitting next to a fan it isn’t good or a ‘tapper’ (students who play with their pen) or if the door to the corridor is left open.

  • Surely managing without equipment helps you prepare for when you are out in the real world?

We have been given equipment that we need and our ears won’t magically get better if we don’t use it. We need our education and so we all need to work together to make sure all the equipment is working.

  • Why don’t you just speak up about what you need?

Because we are teenagers…we are trying to fit in with our friends and we don’t always want to ‘make a fuss’.

Plus…we may sound rude; learning to be assertive takes time and teaching.

  • Our school is inclusive so you can make friends with anyone. Why do you want a special group?

Everyone makes friends with people who have similar interests to them and so do we – like rugby, music etc. but one of our interests is our hearing difference. It is part of who we are and we are proud of it. It’s good to talk to other students who know what it’s like - we can relax and have a laugh at things that can seem really bad when we are on our own. It isn’t a special group really just a group of people with an interest in subtitles!

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ


SEND Team contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ


SENDIAS contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

Children with Disabilities Team

Children with Disabilities Team contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ


Schools contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ