Building Strengths - suggested strategies

Building Strengths: Suggested Strategies

Taken from Dr Karen Treisman: Strength, Resilience and Hope-Based Practices chapter in A Therapeutic Treasure Box for Working with Children and Adolescents with Developmental Trauma

  • Get creative! Construct visuals, such as praise boards, strength cards, celebration walls, certificates, positive work portfolios, which can be regularly added to. It can also be fun to make strength-based jewellery, such as creating a charm bracelet which represent different strengths.
  • Attempt to integrate positive and happy memories into everyday routines, for example have a decorated diary at school with positive photos in which they can look through, or filling up a treasure box with written/drawn reminders and memorabilia.
  • Positive affirmations are key. Work with children to identify positive self-mottos, such as “I am loved” “I am strong”. These can be incorporated into rhymes or song, written down, sculpted, the possibilities are endless!
  • Expand and embed positive traits that are identified, through creative means.