Wolverton Day Nursery

Wolverton Day Nursery

At Wolverton Day Nursery and Pre-School, we pride ourselves on the relaxed, calm and friendly atmosphere that our dedicated staff have created to fulfil all needs of our children and families. Our routine consists of an excellent balance between child initiated play and adult led learning. Free play consists of children choosing their own opportunities for learning, and adult led learning consists of adults leading small groups. At both the Nursery and Pre-School, there is free flow between rooms that each have a different learning emphasis ie: the Front Room has a role play area and a wide choice of construction resources, whereas the Messy Room is equipped with painting easel, play dough, clay and creative materials.

With regular parents evenings, we ensure that we build strong relationships with all parents and carers. All children at Wolverton Day Nursery and Pre-School are allocated a key person to record their daily activities and progress.