Thrive Occupational Therapy Services Limited

Thrive Occupational Therapy Services Limited

Thrive OT is a socially minded business, developed by passionate and experienced occupational therapists. We offer affordable services to all and use the profits to further develop these services and to provide free information sessions for parents.

We support children to develop their skills in:

Dressing, Eating/Feeding, Handwriting, Play, Regulation and engagement in tasks, Toileting/Personal hygiene and more

Some of the difficulties the children we work with have:

ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Developmental delay, Down’s Syndrome, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, Feeding difficulties, Handwriting difficulties, Learning difficulties, Learning Disabilities, Self-regulation difficulties, Sensory Integration /Sensory Processing difficulties

We offer a range of therapeutic services including:

Consultation and advice to parents, teachers and schools; Assessments including reports for input to Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), Therapy (following assessment); One to one individualised intervention in the most appropriate setting, for example, home or school.

Therapy packages which include:

  • six- and 12-week individualised programmes spread out as deemed appropriate, usually one hour per week.

    Identification of child/young person’s, families and educations priorities, Strategy selection, Implementation, Written report/summary, Alert programme package or Zones of Regulation programmes (eight-12 weeks),
  • Groups: including bike riding, handwriting, self care, including dressing (buttoning and lacing) and the Alert programme/sensory processing, Training and development for teachers, including: Sensory processing, Sensory circuits, Handwriting, Coordination difficulties.

Our therapists are experienced in a wide range of therapy approaches and techniques, including:

Sensory Integration and Praxis Theory and Intervention, Coordination (including dyspraxia and developmental coordination disorder) (COOP Approach), Bobath, Handwriting intervention, Postural seating and equipment, Coaching parents and teachers, SOS Feeding Approach, DIR/Floortime

Our work is outcome focused, working towards shared goals set with the child/young person, their family and their education setting.

Training for Parents and Professionals on topics including:  sensory processing, self-regulation, coordination, picky eating, handwriting and fine motor skill development.  

Free Services to parents:

Free Drop Ins - Riverside Hub Special Needs session (Northampton, Friday) and the Ecton Brook Children's Centre Stay and Play - contact us for dates and times. We are there to have a chat with parents regarding OT and discuss strategies for their children. We can discuss questions about their child's development, sensory concerns, strategies for feeding, toileting and sleep, etc.