Special Needs family gymnastics

Special Needs family gymnastics

MK Springers has organised a Special Needs family gymnastics event on 22 January 2017 at 3.00-4.00pm.  If it proves successful, this could become a regular event.

This Special Needs class will take place on

Sunday 22 January 3.00-4.00pm

£5.00 per child; adults free

(£5.00 when booked on line, £6.00 per child on the door)

Parents/carers will remain with the children at all times, other siblings are welcome to join in if they are paid for.  We are offering exclusive use of our gym. We are hoping to make this a regular event.

All our classes are inclusive but understand this may not suit every child

Gymnasts should wear clothing that is suitable for exercise- Not Jeans!