Occupational Therapy Service for children

Occupational Therapy Service for children

The service is for children with evidence of significant and severe functional impairment, where this functional impairment is significantly out of line with the perceived potential of the child.  For children up to the age of 18 years in mainstream or 25 years in special school with a Milton Keynes General Practitioner (GP).

Referrals for equipment and adaptations are up to the child's 19th birthday and in Milton Keynes council tax area.

In line with current government guidelines, we have taken the decision to change the way our Thursday drop in clinics operate. With immediate effect, we would advise you to telephone or email us in the first instance if you have concerns about your child’s daily living skills (i.e. dressing, toileting, using cutlery etc.). We will take some details from you or send you a form to complete and then an Occupational Therapist will contact you by telephone or email with some advice/support. If further intervention is needed, this will be discussed with you.

Eligibility Criteria for Referrals to Paediatric Occupational Therapy

Milton Keynes (MK) Children’s Occupational Therapy (OT) Team aims to help children and young people aged 0-18 years (up to 25 years if attending special schools) who have significant difficulties with everyday functional skills due to a physical, motor or sensory based need that impacts on their independence and ability to participate in everyday activities within:

  • Self-care: getting dressed, using the toilet, preparing simple meals, using cutlery, participating in hygiene routines
  • Productivity: handwriting, using tools and materials in the classroom, following school routines, attending to tasks, using computers and technology, participating in lessons
  • Leisure and play: playing sports, shopping with friends, doing hobbies, playing age-appropriate games

Occupational therapists (OTs) can suggest alternative ways of doing activities, providing advice on learning new approaches or assist by recommending different types of assistive equipment.  OTs may assess and advise in areas such as seating, bathing, cutlery, dressing, moving and handling e.g. hoists and slings.

Who is not eligible?

  • If the GP is outside of MK
  • Needs relate to housing overcrowding issues (contact your housing department/association)
  • Aged 18 or over and not in a special education setting

What should I do if I’m concerned about my child’s function and development?

If you are worried about your child’s independence and normal development, we would ask you to first discuss your concerns with your health visitor, nursery, GP or school nurse. They will all be able to offer you some advice and further support. They will guide you if your child needs to be seen by an Occupational Therapist.

If support from an Occupational Therapist is required, we accept referrals from GP’s, Paediatricians, health visitors, health and social care professionals and family members.

How can my child be referred?

For functional difficulties:

Referrals can be made via our online link https://www.cnwl.nhs.uk/services/community-services/milton-keynes-children-and-young-peoples-occupational-therapy-team.

For more complex difficulties/equipment needs:

A health/social care professional can refer to us using the online referral link as above or in writing for the Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) pathway and equipment/adaptation assessments. Our OT referral form must be completed and sent to or emailed to:

Paediatric Occupational Therapy

CNWL Trust

Child Development Centre

Milton Keynes Hospital Campus

Standing Way

Milton Keynes


Tel: 01908 724600 option 3           Normal opening times: 8.30am-4.30pm

Email: mk.paed.ot@nhs.net

All sections of the form must be completed. Any incomplete forms will be returned to the referrer for further information.

If a written referral is made and it meets the acceptance criteria, you will be offered an initial telephone assessment.

How will your child be assessed?

An initial telephone assessment is completed to identify the main concerns that your child and you may have and give you an opportunity to consider what you are hoping to get from the service.

Follow up therapy appointments are mainly delivered at the Child Development Centre and other health settings. The service will see some children and young people in their own home when this is appropriate. The service does not work within schools but is able to support teaching staff.

An action plan or care plan will be agreed with you based on your child’s needs and will reflect the therapy the service will provide. Where applicable, the action plan will include details around discharge from the service.