We believe that by working with students with learning disabilities from the age of 14 we can make a real impact on their chances of making a smooth transition into adult life.

Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) often feel that they don't have the chance to be involved in decisions which are made about their futures. We work closely with the students to make sure their voices are heard.

Working closely with schools we invite groups of SEN students for sessions with our tutors designed to help them with transition from school and prepare them for adulthood, such as work experience, money skills and travel training.

We have developed a toolkit called eProfile which helps SEN students express what they would like to do when they leave education. Using a combination of drawing, video and words the students create their own portfolio which can be used in transition meetings.

Over the past few years by working with students we have found that most want to be as independent as possible. They want to earn their own money, have a relationship and move out of the family home. We want to help them achieve this.

Life & Work

Upon leaving school or college students can join our Life & Work programme. They will complete an evaluation called My Life where their individual goals are discussed and appropriate training and work experience are organised.

We have a team of job coaches who work with individual students to find work experience placements and paid work.