Milton Keynes Wheelchair Service

Milton Keynes Wheelchair Service

The service is provided to people who are registered with a Milton Keynes General Practitioner (GP).  Individuals in their own home may be assessed and issued with a wheelchair if they: require a wheelchair for longer than six months based upon a mobility assessment; can demonstrate that they will regularly use a wheelchair at least four days a week (weekly usage is an approximate guide - this is at the discretion of the wheelchair therapist); require a wheelchair for indoor mobility to access facilities for personal care, in addition to outdoor mobility.

The service accepts referrals from health and social care professionals only (for example, general practitioners (GPs), consultants, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers and nurses). Existing individuals may contact the service for re-assessment but medical information may be obtained from their GP or other practitioner.

Milton Keynes Wheelchair Service provides assessments for manual and electronically powered wheelchairs; the service also assesses and provides custom/moulded seating services for people with mobility needs. All powered and manual wheelchair equipment is provided by AJM Healthcare, which is also responsible for the repair and maintenance of equipment. 

Milton Keynes Wheelchair Service

AJM Healthcare

Unit 6, Centurion Court

Brick Close, Kiln Farm

Milton Keynes

MK11 3JB

Tel: 0808 164 6400

Fax: 0808 133 0183

