Information Advice and Support Services Network

Information Advice and Support Services Network

Our vision is that disabled children and young people, and those with SEN, and their parents, have access to high quality Information, Advice and Support Services, which are widley respected as an impartial source of information and support.

The Information, Advice and Support Services Network (IASS Network) provide training and support to local Information Advice and Support (IAS) Services across England. The IASS Network was previously known as the National Parent Partnership Network (NPPN), who undertook a similar role with local Parent Partnership Services. The IASS Network is funded to provide this support by the Department for Education (DfE). 

Please note that the IASS Network does not offer information, advice and support directly to parents, children and young people. If you need information and support, you can find your local IAS service on their website at:


What does the IASS Network do?

  • Provides a range of information, advice and support to IAS Services.
  • Promotes the development and standards of IAS Services.
  • Provides training to IAS Services on relevant subjects including the law on SEN and disability, health and social care (with IPSEA).
  • Promotes service impartiality and arrangements that ensure IAS Services are operating at arm’s length from their local authority.
  • Provides a national picture of the work of IAS Services through the annual ‘Benchmarking’ report.
  • Promotes dialogue and collaboration between IAS Services and other partners.
  • Engages strategically with DfE on key issues arising for IAS Services.
  • Supports an e-forum for all IAS Services through which relevant information can be sent and discussed.
  • Works with the National Network of Parent Carer Forums to improve the working relationships between IAS Services and parent carer forums.
  • Facilitates the SEN Information Group - a network of organisations that provide direct advice and support to families of children with SEND.