Ethnic Minority Achievement Network

Ethnic Minority Achievement Network

There is a central service for all LA maintained schools and non-maintained schools (academies and free schools) are able to buy into a traded service.

The Ethnic Minority Achievement (EMA) Network provides support to close the attainment gap for vulnerable and underperforming black and minority ethnic (BME) children and young people (CYP), including those of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller origin.

The EMA staff work in partnership with Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) settings, Children's Centres, primary and secondary schools, supplementary schools and local communities.  The focus of the work is to raise expectations, educational standards and promote inclusion by BME CYP and those learning English as an additional language (EAL) by offering: expertise, advice, continuing professional development/learning and resources.

The Education Effectiveness and Participation (EEP) EMA staff undertake a range of centrally provided core activities and traded services from qualified and experienced staff.  Support is provided to LA mainstream schools for the assessment of pupils learning EAL who may also have SEN.