Equine Enlightenment - Courses with horses

Equine Enlightenment - Courses with horses

Equine facilitated psychotherapy interventions for people on the autism spectrum has a multitude of scientifically proven benefits.  The Autism Teaching Company endorses and highly recommends Equine Enlightenment as one of its therapeutic partners.

Equine Enlightenment offers alternative forms of therapy to the usual room based ‘talking therapies’ which not everyone gets on with. Not only does it offer an alternative solution for clients who find it hard to open up or trust, it is also a powerful, safe way of helping clients with trauma process this in an existential, person-centred way.

Talking therapies are classed as a form of ‘top-down’ processing, relying solely on cognitive processes.  When we experience high levels of stress and trauma, part of our brain called Broca’s area responsible for accessing verbal memories shuts down.  Therefore it is imperative that we are able to access ‘bottom-up’ processing through body work, which is supported by the following psychotherapies:

Nature, Equine, Canine and Body psychotherapy are powerful, yet gentle ways of working with a qualified practitioner at your pace.

Philippa and her team are specifically trained in a number of psychotherapeutic modalities, allowing them to work in a bespoke way, tailoring the therapy to the individual.  All practitioners are qualified and registered with specific mental health training.

Philippa is a published author with the equine facilitated psychotherapy field, illustrating her experience and expertise within this area.

What we do

Facilitated psychotherapy interventions with horses have been scientifically proven to improve the well being of individuals (e.g Bachi, 2012).

Common areas we cover are:

  • Addiction
  • Sexual/ violent/ emotional trauma
  • Emotion dysregulation
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • PTSD
  • Relationship issues
  • Family conflict
  • Boundary issues
  • Self esteem
  • Psychosomatic conditions
  • M.E

There are many other areas covered and we are more than happy to help. Sessions are available for children and adults, both individually and in families, couples and groups.  Short retreats are available for individuals seeking solace, respite or to recharge their batteries. The retreats are also ideal if an individual is struggling to cope with loss, or grieving after a relationship break-up.  It is also beneficial for self-growth and enlightenment