Educational, Health and Care Plans (EHC)

Educational, Health and Care Plans (EHC)

Education, Health and Care Plans are for children and young people aged 0-25 and are designed to support children and young people with long term and complex needs that are impacting on their ability to access learning and to develop independence.

The EHC Plan will provide the same statutory protection as the Statement of SEN, but can cover children and young people from 0 – 25 and will be holistic and centred on the child or young person’s needs. The EHC Plan will set out your child or young person’s educational, health and care needs, and the provision they require in order to make progress. The draft EHC Plan will be sent to you and a meeting will be arranged with you to discuss the plan. Next, a provision meeting will take place with professionals to determine the cost required to meet your child’s needs. A Proposed EHC Plan will then be sent to you and all professionals involved. You will have 15 days to let us know if you are in agreement with the Proposed EHC Plan and confirm what your school preference is